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School Updates

Updates from NLS

February 2022

  • Year 7 Update- Spring 1

    Published 11/02/22

    We are going from strength to strength, with each student developing and employing the CORE ethos of the school. It is so pleasing to witness the majority of pupils being supportive, honest, having integrity, never giving up and most importantly, displaying enthusiasm. ‘When you can be anything in this world……be kind’, has been the underlying tone of this half-term, and it has been overwhelming to witness year 7 students displaying such heart-warming acts of kindness, towards both staff and students at NLS. The number of R2s students have received in year 7 is higher than I have ever witnessed in my time as a College Leader at NLS. Their simple gestures have gone a long way in spreading happiness in NLS. We have also continued to follow instructions and display a positive work ethic. This corroborates my opinion that despite my high expectations, we are able to achieve anything and develop the key skills needed to be a well-rounded individual. I am very proud of the students in year 7. It is important that I am helping them to feel happy at school as well as ensuring that they have high aspirations.

    Year 7 Tutor Curriculum

    This half-term, our year 7 students have learnt about friendships, respect and relationships. The curriculum focussed on; features of healthy friendships (including online), typical behaviour within respectful relationships and what to do if a friendship/relationship causes unhappiness. It was also important to address issues such as consent and boundaries. I have received some positive feedback from all tutors stating that our year 7s behaved in a very mature and empathetic manner. I am hoping these lessons will support them to make the right decisions in the future and build/maintain positive friendships at school and in the community.

    Year 7 trip to the Botanical Gardens in Birmingham

    All year 7 students had the opportunity to attend a fascinating trip to the Botanical Gardens in Birmingham. They experienced animal handling and a rainforest challenge. The animal handling entailed looking at their exciting and unique animal collection! They had the opportunity to `get up close` with a range of exotic animals chosen from the following selection: Corn Snake, Panther Chameleon, Bearded Dragon, Lesser Madagascan Tenrec, Fire Salamander, Giant Land Snail, Madagascan Hissing Cockroach and Stick Insect! They got to learn about the special adaptations that these creatures have developed and the habitat they live in. Our year 7 students also competed in a Rainforest Challenge. They worked in small groups to solve clues in their backpacks to find out the names and information about our key rainforest plants. The students had to work out the secret codeword. It was fantastic to witness how enthusiastic and engaged all of our students were. Their attitude and behaviour was exemplary.


    Whitemoor Lakes

    I am excited to announce that we will be taking 170 students to Whitemoor Lake on Friday 1 – Sunday 3 April. I will be hosting an information evening on Thursday 10 March at 6pm. This will be an opportunity to discuss the finer details. I am hoping that this experience will be more than just a fun ‘school trip away’. As Year 7 Leader, I want to offer our students interesting and meaningful adventures, educational school trips and outdoor learning opportunities in line with the curriculum. At Whitemoor Lake, students will be exposed to a wide range of diverse and exciting activities from developing practical skills to outdoor educational adventures like abseiling, climbing, archery and team games. All exciting and fun activities for pupils to enjoy, but all chosen with specific goals in mind – whether it’s confidence building for children unwilling or unable to engage with their teachers and/or peers in the classroom, team building to encourage students to work together, or to encourage independence and a sense of personal responsibility for our students. For our year 7 students, I feel this residential trip will offer a unique opportunity for them to claim their independence, make their own decisions and build new friendships and make fantastic memories.


    I am excited to inform you that our top 30 students in year 7 had the opportunity to attend a cinema experience in the school theatre. These students were awarded with this prize for accumulating the highest number of reward points in year 7. It was lovely to see them sat back relaxing, eating popcorn and enjoying a good movie. Well deserved.

    I am pleased to announce that Alexis F has continued to reign supreme and achieve the highest Reward Points in year 7 this term. However Will K, Zac L, Max R and Zac F are still hot on her heels, finishing within the top 5. This is a fantastic accomplishment. Their ability to maintain their lead demonstrates that they have been consistent in their approach to learning. Taking on leadership roles within lessons, working above their target as well as supporting others are just a few of the underlying reasons why they have managed to be awarded so many points. Congratulations to all of the students listed below, I am very proud of you all.

    Alexis F


    Will K


    Zac L


    Max R


    Zac F


    Alex H


    Daniel M


    Erika G


    Daniel P


    Olly R


    I am also pleased to announce that BW2 is the tutor group with the highest reward points in year 7- well done!

    Year 7 rule!

    When reviewing the data, it is clear that we have some incredible students that continue to display an exceptional attitude to learning and are therefore managing to achieve in all subject areas. The majority of year 7 students appear to have improved their Attitude to Learning in at least one subject. I am confident that by providing additional support and intervention, it will not be long before all year 7 students are achieving at least ‘good’ in all subjects. Well done to all students that continue to challenge themselves and work to the best of their ability, you are all a credit to NLS.

    Parents’ Evening

    I just wanted to say a huge thank you to those parents and carers that have recently attended parents’ evening. As Year Leader, I am trying to ensure that we keep our lines of communication open and maintain parental engagement. We had 86% of parents/carers attend face to face/online meetings which is a reflection of your commitment, and I am so grateful for your endless support. I would really appreciate it if I could ask you to feedback on the organisation and structure of the event.

    Valentine's Day

    All year 7 celebrated Valentine's Day by sharing what they love about their tutor group. It was incredibly endearing to see how much the students enjoy so many aspects of their tutor team. I think it epitomises our year ethos this half term ‘ Be the person that makes someone smile today.’


    World Book Day

    On Thursday 3 March, students in Y7 and Y8 will be able take part in an exciting event to celebrate 2022’s World Book Day. Please see below for more information…

    What is it?

    To celebrate World Book Day, we have organised a book swap on a gigantic scale.

    When is it? Where is it?

    Thursday 3 March at break and lunch in the library.

    Why get involved?

    This is your child’s chance to share books that they love with others. If they take part, they will end up with a new book for free!

    How to get involved?

    Your child should bring in a book that they have enjoyed reading but that they are happy to swap for another of their choice. After bringing in their book, they will be given a ticket so that they can ‘buy’ a new book with it on the day. Their book must be brought to form and given to their tutor by Wednesday 2 March.

    What will happen to any spare books?

    They will be donated to the library or to charity.

    If you have any questions, then please contact Miss Kellow on


    Final message

    It has been a very successful half-term. I applaud all the students that continue to sustain their motivation, passion and commitment to their work and year group. You all make me proud and long may it continue. Have a safe and happy half-term. Please look after yourselves and each other.

    Mr Royle

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  • Year 8 Update- Spring 1

    Published 10/02/22


    This half-term, students have been exploring Relationships and Sex Education (RSE). These sessions have included Healthy Relationships, Consent and Boundaries. The Year 8 team have been really pleased with the way in which students have responded to these sessions; students were inquisitive, respectful and mature. The Year 8 students were also lucky enough to attend an assembly with a police officer where they explored County Lines. The students had lots of questions about this and made the most of this opportunity.


    Children’s Mental Health Week 

    Children's Mental Health Week 2022 – Stevenage FC FoundationMonday 7- Sunday 13 February was Children’s Mental Health Week. During tutor time, students took part in a range of sessions to focus on their own mental health and wellbeing.  Students also participated in an online assembly with Kooth, a fantastic online resource for young people where they were able to access online support and counselling. Kooth offer young people free, safe and confidential support. Please visit for more information.

    We also ran a college competition based around this year’s theme of ‘Growing Together’. Students were asked to create a poem, rap, song or poster that celebrates the importance of this as part of Children’s Mental Health Week. The deadline was Friday 18 February, and we look forward to selecting winners. All students that take part will win 1 college point for their college.


    Rewards and Recognition

    Year 8 have over 39,000 reward points which is fantastic!

    The Top 3 Students are:

    • 1st Place -  Emily A (8BW01)
    • 2nd Place -  Andrew N (8PK02)
    • 3rd Place - Katie C (8PK01) 

    On Tuesday 18 January, the Top 30 students in Year 7-11 were invited to attend a cinema event. This was a fantastic event which enabled us to celebrate and recognise students’ excellent attitude in school. Our Year 8 Reward Leaders were brilliant in supporting this event. Another celebration event will follow in Spring 2.



    This term saw our first college assemblies since lockdown and therefore, Year 8s’ first ever college assembly! It was lovely to see the students gather with a range of year groups, and we are looking forward to the events that will take place over the remainder of the year.



    Parents will have received information from Mrs Barley-Morey in regards to the CEIAG Morrisby Quiz. Students complete this quiz in Computer Science lessons and it was great to hear the range of careers that students were exploring.

    It was National Apprenticeship Week this half-term and students took part in some tutor time sessions to explore what apprenticeships are. Students engaged really well with the sessions.



    The Year 8 students are getting ready to choose their options and the Year 8 team have received some enquiries. Please be reassured that you will receive some information around this following half-term. We have a detailed plan to ensure that both students and parents/carers are prepared when selecting options. Please be aware that the Parents’ Evening on Monday 4 April will allow for an opportunity to discuss options with relevant staff members.


    World Book Day

    On Thursday 3 March, students in Y7 and Y8 will be able take part in an exciting event to celebrate 2022’s World Book Day. Please see below for more information…

    What is it?

    To celebrate World Book Day, we have organised a book swap on a gigantic scale.

    When is it? Where is it?

    Thursday 3 March at break and lunch in the library.

    Why get involved?

    This is your child’s chance to share books that they love with others. If they take part, they will end up with a new book for free!

    How to get involved?

    Your child should bring in a book that they have enjoyed reading but that they are happy to swap for another of their choice. After bringing in their book, they will be given a ticket so that they can ‘buy’ a new book with it on the day. Their book must be brought to form and given to their tutor by Wednesday 2 March.

    What will happen to any spare books?

    They will be donated to the library or to charity.

    If you have any questions, then please contact Miss Kellow on


    Thank You!

    Thank you for the ongoing support of your child this half-term. We are really looking forward to starting the options process for Year 8 as they think about their next steps in school. Please can we ask for parental support in ensuring students are suitably equipped for school and their uniform is worn to a high standard. Please do get in contact with your child’s tutor if there is anything you wish to discuss.

    Miss P Murphy

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  • Year 9 Update- Spring 1

    Published 09/02/22

    Back in September, in our very first assembly of the year, I talked to Year 9 students about the importance of effort. I emphasised the importance of putting in hard work at the beginning of the GCSE course, and how this would give them the greatest chance of success as they approach their exams in 2024. Ultimately, if we try our best, we cannot fail! After reviewing the most recent data that class teachers have inputted for students, I am delighted to see that 68% of Year 9 students are on course to achieve, or exceed their GCSE target grades. Whilst we will continue to challenge students to achieve further, we will also look to support students to at least reach their potential. I am really proud of the Year 9 students who consistently display the World Class Basics and I hope they are also proud of the progress they are making as young people.

    It was also great to finally meet so many parents and carers at the Year 9 Parents' Evening in January. I hope you found the evening valuable and the feedback from teachers beneficial in how your child can develop further. To support your child, I truly believe that open lines of communication and parental engagement are two huge contributing factors, so please do not hesitate to contact me or your child’s teacher if there’s anything we can do to help.


    Year 9 Data 2 – Headlines:

    • 118 students have not received a single consequence this year (46%).
    • 33 students continue to have 100% attendance
    • Compared to their target grades, the following pupils are making exceptional progress:


    Tutor Group

    Ian de la PW


    Tarnvir S


    Chloe F


    Ozi C


    Martha N-S


    Lauren D


    Jess K


    Natalia C


    Elle O


    Florence S



    Since Data 1 (November 2021) the following students have achieved the most reward points in the year group


    Tutor Group


    Fred S



    Lola R



    Ian de la PW



    Avneet R



    Lucas RL



    Emilia H



    Isaac P



    Dexter K



    Tristan H



    Logan LW




    Tutor Time

    Tutor Time sessions this half-term have focused on “Relationships and Sex Education”, where students developed their understanding across a number of topics: Sexual Consent and Law, Healthy Relationships, Peer-on-peer Bullying and Harassment, and Domestic Abuse. I have been really impressed with the maturity and engagement from pupils during these sessions, and I hope they continue to build and maintain positive relationships in school and in the wider community. The focus for next half-term is “Staying Safe” and will cover several topics: Online Grooming, Drugs and Alcohol, and County Lines. The latter links in nicely to an extended assembly that pupils received from DC Williams of the Warwickshire Police Force, who came into school to talk to Years 8- 11 about Drug Awareness and County Lines. Once again, I was very impressed with Year 9 students' positive attitudes and engagement around such an important matter as well as their manners towards our visitor.


    Year 9 students also took part in National Apprenticeship Week, which provided lots of information about post-16 pathways, and National Children’s Mental Health Week, which encouraged students to reflect on their emotional and personal development as part of the ‘Growing Together’ theme. We were also very fortunate to have a representative from Kooth deliver an online assembly where they discussed how their organisation can support with children’s mental health. I would encourage you to visit their website for further information.


    Message to Parents and Carers

    As we are now over half way through the year (and half way through students' secondary education), on behalf of the Year 9 team, I would like to express our appreciation for all of your support so far this year. It is a real pleasure to work with you and support your child. I hope you have a lovely half-term break.

    Mr Butler

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  • Year 10 Update- Spring 1

    Published 08/02/22

    The more effort you give, the more commitment you show, the more opportunities you’ll make, the further you’ll go.

    Tutor Curriculum

    Relationship and Sex Education

    This has been a compulsory part of the Tutor Time curriculum and has facilitated a greater understanding of a range of subjects including ‘consent and the law’ and ‘sexting.’ The Y10 Tutor Team and I have been really impressed with the maturity and thoughtfulness shown by all the students whilst covering such topic areas.

    CEIAG/Careers Curriculum 

    Monday 7 February marked National Apprenticeship week with Y10 looking at what apprenticeships are, the different levels of apprenticeships, what qualifications students need to access each level, and the qualifications they can achieve. In addition to this, students looked at the pros and cons of apprenticeships and accessed some real life stories of students for whom apprenticeships have been a successful route on the flightpath to their future.

    Student Leadership-  CEIAG

    Jess and Leo have been giving some independence to the Y10 Careers Leaders and they have been researching the sorts of jobs each year group can undertake. We will be sharing this with the different year groups over the coming term. Part-time jobs are an important opportunity for students to develop their independence and employability skills, and can enhance their CV for their future career pathway.

    The team are also working on a variety of templates and strategies to support students in developing CV writing skills, which will be shared with the different year groups again over the coming term.

    RE Mock Exam

    The RE mock exam is taking place on Wednesday 16 February. This is another opportunity for students to practice exam questions under exam conditions, to identify areas for further revision focus, and to develop revision strategies to move their learning forward so that they can maximise their opportunity for the best success in the summer.

    Rewards and celebration

    The Christmas Celebration Assembly saw a whole variety of success within the year group. The following students in particular evidenced the very best of achievement in attainment, achievement, effort and leadership.



    Louis and  Maddie


    Luke and Naomi (Overall winners)


    Karim and Phoebe


    Felix, Freddie Cara


    Harvey and Erika



    Elijah and Poppy


    Luke and Saanvi (Overall winners)


    Finn and Megan


    Alex and Martha


    Railey and Millie


    Reward Points


    Daniel and Katie S


    Luke and Saanvi (Saanvi Overall Winner)


    Sean and Sophie (Sean Overall Winner)


    Sam C and Freddie


    Axel and Ya-Adam

    College Commendation for Outstanding Commitment


    BW01 Martha BW02 Georgia


    BD01 Saanvi BD02 Luke


    CT01 Sarah CT02 Sean


    MR01 Charlie MR02 Freddie


    PK01 Hanna PK02 Axel


    Tutor Group Commendation for outstanding student leadership


    BW01 Noah B and Archie

    BW02 Steven and Grace


    BD01 Dan and  Daria

    BD02 Joe and Mac


    CT01 James and Serena

    CT02 Toby and Lexi


    MR01 Cara and Alex

    MR02 Martha, Isabel and Kristian


    PK01 Ya-Adam and Matilda

    PK02 Ryan and Krystian


    Christmas Hampers 

    Tutor groups rallied to create Christmas hampers which were delivered to a variety of worthy recipients including FareShare Midlands, Craighaven nursing home and the Salvation Army. We received some wonderful correspondence of gratitude and supporting our community is an important part of NLS life.


    Mrs Sarah Barley-Morey                                                       


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  • Y11 Update- Spring 1

    Published 07/02/22

    Year 11 students have once again had a really positive half-term. They are managing the challenges and pressures of upcoming exams extremely well but also continue to engage really positively with all aspects of school life.

    Alongside their ongoing academic curriculum, all year 11 students have been exposed to a range of information this half-term, to support their general wellbeing and to support them in becoming positive and influential members of society when they leave NLS.  Tutor sessions have focused on relationships and sex education, more specifically peer on peer bullying and harassment, which is unfortunately quite a pertinent topic at the moment in society. Students have been informed about identifying different kinds of abusive behaviours, but also recognising how and where they could seek further support if they were ever a victim. There was a specific focus on managing themselves safely online which has relevancy now more than ever for all young people.

    In addition to more focused activities in tutor time, Year 11, alongside all other year groups, have completed their second round of student voice this half-term. All students have had the opportunity to feedback on a number of topic areas including:

    • How we could make rewards more relevant to students in their year groups (please see information linked to amazon voucher below)
    • How students feel supported in their specific subject interventions running in tutor time on a Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday.
    • How students have found using Go4Schools since its introduction at the start of this academic year.
    • Specific activities students would like to complete as part of the build up to the Prom, as well as the evening itself (see information on Passport to the Prom below)

    Upon reading this update, students should have completed their third and final Mock window with assessments in English, Maths, and Science. Students have again approached these exams in a really positive manner and feedback received should stand them in good stead for their final push towards the real thing in the summer. Individual feedback from all their subject areas will be given at the final year 11 parents' evening of the year due to take place on Monday 14 March. Bookings can be made in the usual way, but if you are unsure, please contact your child’s learning mentor in the first instance. Students are beginning to enter the home straight in terms of exam preparation and revision plans should now be in place for all students. This is going to be supported by the after school revision programme, details of which were shared by Mr Atkins last week. Engagement with these activities is going to be monitored by our passport to the prom initiative, please see previous communication for additional details. To further reward positive engagement in lessons over the half-term Mr Foxon and Mr Atkins have given out £200 worth of Amazon vouchers to students over the last 2 weeks of the half-term.

    Looking forward to next half-term and beyond, there are some really exciting opportunities on the horizon with the end goal hopefully coming into view for all students in Year 11. Further support and development around post 16 opportunities is going to be provided over coming weeks, including the opportunity to complete some Mock interviews to support students in future job applications.

    The Y11 year group photo will also be taking place on Monday 28 February during P1.

    Finally, I would like to take this opportunity to thank all parents and carers again for their ongoing support with Year 11 students as students approach their final weeks and months at NLS. All the efforts and endeavours will be rewarded in the end, I hope everyone has an enjoyable half-term.

    Mr Foxon

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  • Drama Update- Spring 1

    Published 01/02/22

    Year 7 & Year 8 Drama

    Students in KS3 are following a programme of learning that explores an introduction to Drama.  Year 7 Drama students are currently exploring Northwood Hall and the House of Secrets. Year 8 Drama students are exploring the play DNA by Dennis Kelly and considering how they could interpret the characters through the performer skills. They will also explore the play from the perspective of a designer.

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  • Art Update- Spring 1

    Published 01/02/22

    The students in the Art Department have been so busy this term producing amazing artwork and getting involved in some charitable projects. Find out about their achievements below.

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  • PE Update- Spring 1

    Published 01/02/22

    As we mark the halfway point of the academic year, it is good time to reflect upon just what a busy half-term it has been for the PE department and our sports stars. As the light returns and we emerge from the depths of winter, warmer weather is surely on the way. It has also been a time of reflection for the PE department and whether we are meeting the high expectations of our department vision, which is to:

    “Inspire all students to participate in and enjoy a broad and balanced PE curriculum, whilst recognising the importance of a lifelong healthy, active lifestyle. We aim to provide students wider opportunities to participate in sport both recreationally and competitively, whilst also enabling clear, personalised pathways and qualifications for students to pursue careers in the field of Sport & PE”

    For a half-term of only 7 weeks, it is incredible just how much the department has been able to offer. Below is a flavour of what we have been up to and a snippet of what’s to come. Hopefully you will agree, we are doing our upmost in fulfilling that vision, to get the very best for our students at NLS.


    Year 11 GCSE PE Moderation

    Each Tuesday during Spring 1, our year 11 GCSE PE students were put through their paces in after-school moderation sessions in a range of sports. Student kit, attitude and perseverance during these filmed and staff moderated sessions has been exemplary, showing the very best of sport at NLS. As a department we have moderated table tennis, basketball, football, badminton, athletics and rugby. The sessions have frequently run past 5pm and run at a relentless pace; and despite a busy day of learning, our students have really risen to the challenge and will no doubt produce results they can be proud of in the 2022 final examinations.


    Spring 1 Curriculum Review

    This year our students have been involved in a host of different sports and activities during their curriculum – below is a rundown of what our students have been up to during Spring 1:

    • KS3 Games – Dance, Football, Basketball & Fitness
    • KS4 Games – Table Tennis, Badminton, Handball & Football
    • KS4 Sport & Exercise (year 9) – Fitness Testing and Methods of Training
    • KS4 GCSE PE (year 10) – Cardiovascular & Respiratory System
    • KS4 BTEC Sport (year 10) – Fitness Testing and Training Methods
    • KS4 GCSE PE (year 11) – Socio-Cultural, Engagement Patterns, Ethics, Media in Sport, Commercialisation
    • KS4 BTEC Sport (year 11) – Training Programme Prep and Completion, Leadership
    • KS5 A-Level PE (Y12) – Anatomy & Physiology, Sport Psychology, Emergence Evolution Modern Sport
    • KS5 BTEC Sport (Y12) – Emergency First Aid, Analysis referee performances,
    • KS5 A-Level PE (Y13) – Anatomy & Physiology, Sport Psychology, Deviance in Sport, EAPI Prep
    • KS5 BTEC Sport (Y13) – Fitness Testing, Sport Psychology, Emergency First Aid, Proposal Planning Sport Events,


    Cross Country Champion!

    Archie Lane (Year 8) was crowned Warwickshire Schools Junior Boy’s Champion at Kineton School on 22 January, completing the course in a time of 12:48 – beating his nearest rival by a clear 9 seconds. As a result, Archie will have the opportunity to represent Warwickshire at the ‘English Schools Cross Country Championships’ at Hop Farm in Kent on 19 March 2022. All the PE department at NLS are incredibly proud of Archie and all our runners this academic year who have represented NLS, showing resilience and perseverance.

    Results from the Warwickshire Schools Championships – 22/1/22:

    Minor Boys (Y7) – Jacob Smith (10th), Alex MacDonald (19th), George Ochoa (30th), Joe Taulbut (39th)

    Minor Girls (Y7) – Lucy Matthews (7th), Bella Loveday (30th) & Eva Cronin

    Junior Boys (Y8) – Archie Lane (1st), Laurie Fisher (26th)

    Junior Girls (Y8) – Esther Vaughan (12th


    Duke of Edinburgh Award

    119 year 9 and 10 students are currently progressing towards their Bronze award. The numbers involved is testament to our pupils and their willingness to go above and beyond. Collectively our pupils are going to contribute over 1,500 hours of voluntary work in our local community this academic year and will make a real difference to people’s lives.

    In March, both our year 9 & 10 cohorts will complete a day of offsite navigation training with Venture Outdoor, a company that NLS have worked with before, who will put our intrepid adventurers through their navigation paces as they begin their preparations for their practice and qualifying expeditions. Information regarding the March offsite navigation training has been emailed to parents and careers.

    Key dates of note for Bronze DofE are provided below for years 9 & 10 respectively. There is a compulsory meeting for each cohort scheduled for after the feb half-term:-

    Year 9

    Session Date - 2022


    9 March

    Year 9 Bronze DofE catch-up meeting in H208

    23 March

    Offsite navigation training day with Venture Outdoor (8.50am-3.20pm)

    6 April

    Packing for an expedition & practice expedition preparation

    4 May

    Basic first aid training & route cards

    11 May

    Practice expedition (8.50am-4.30pm) & camp craft training

    25 May

    Qualifying expedition planning & route cards

    6 July

    Qualifying expedition meeting & kit collection (3.20-4.30pm)

    8-9 July

    Qualifying expedition (2days walking, 1 night camping)


    Year 10

    Session Date - 2022


    2 March

    Year 10 Bronze DofE catch-up meeting in H208

    10 March

    Offsite navigation training day with Venture Outdoor (8.50am-3.20pm)

    6 April

    Packing for an expedition & practice expedition preparation

    4 May

    Basic first aid training & route card practice

    11 May

    Practice expedition (8.50am-4.30pm) & camp craft training

    25 May

    Qualifying expedition planning & route cards completion

    13 July

    Qualifying expedition meeting & kit collection (3.20-4.30pm)

    15-16 July

    Qualifying expedition (2 days walking, 1 night camping)

    The training sessions are compulsory, and pupils must successfully complete each stage of training before being allowed to undertake their qualifying expedition. Training will take place at the Sports Centre and will run from 3.20pm-5.30pm unless specified. 


    Netball Round-Up 

    Our Year 7 Netball team was successful in beating Campion 18-1 in the Plate semi-finals sending them straight through to the Netball finals night on the 16 March 2022. Our Year 9 and 10 Netball teams have also managed to get through to the Plate semi-finals and our Year 8s are into the Cup semi-final competition. Year 8 play Southam, Year 9 play Myton and Year 10 play Kings High in their semi-finals.

    It has been fantastic to see all of the teams working so hard and the brilliant attendance at the extra-curricular club in the Autumn term. We wish all teams the best of luck in their next fixtures! Come on NLS, let’s all get to the finals!!


    Chicago the Musical trip

    Year 10 BTEC Dance students were able to watch a live performance of Chicago The Musical at The Alexandra Theatre, Birmingham this half-term. It was great to be back in the Theatre after a long period of theatres being closed. The students had a fantastic time and were able to see professional dancers in order to learn about key performance skills for their assessment of ‘All that Jazz’. Big well done to Y10 dancers on their Jazz assessment!


    Spring 1 Extra-curricular Round-Up- Other Sports

    Spring 1 has seen the return of the ever popular basketball club to our extra-curricular offering following the 2020-21 lockout of the sports hall! In excess of 100 pupils have accessed the club across years 7-11 this half-term, as the PE department ran the club on 3 separate evenings to cater for all year groups. There has been some fantastic talent on display and some real shot making ability shown!

    As our students made their way back to online learning following the Christmas break, the PE department spent the day being put through their paces by an instructor from England Boxing. This has now enabled the department to deliver fitness sessions which incorporate Olympic-style boxing techniques. This has initially been introduced as an extra-curricular activity for KS4, and is being drip fed into our KS4 and KS3 curriculums. The Spring 2 Extra-Curricular offer has this available to all students in Y7 & 8 with Mr Burt.

    Miss Davis’ dance clubs at KS3 and KS4 have also proved popular with students at KS4 using the additional time to rehearse for dance recitals and KS3 students exploring different concepts through dance.

    Mr Piper’s hockey club each Wednesday is still proving to be as popular as ever, and the return of the light has allowed rugby club with Gareth from Leamington RFC to resume post-Christmas, attracting students across all year groups and preparing them for the rugby tournaments during Spring 2.

    Our Sixth Form footballers were victorious in a 7 a side tournament hosted at NLS in January. The tactical nous of Mr Beese ensured they won all games during the tournament and returned the trophy back to NLS!


    Spring 2 Extra-curricular Timetable 

    We aim to cater for as many students as possible throughout the academic year. To do this, we continually review and adapt our extra-curricular offering. Please view the updated extra-curricular timetable for Spring 2.

    We have also included confirmed fixtures in bold across Rugby, Football and Netball for Spring 2. Please be advised our fixtures planner is live and regularly updated within department. We are currently in the process of arranging additional fixtures for Spring 2 for basketball, hockey and additional football fixtures.

    We wish our students (and parents & carers) a restful half-term and we look forward to welcoming students back to the PE department the following week.

    Mr Burt


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  • History Update- Spring 1

    Published 01/02/22
    Year 7 
    Students continue to learn about Medieval Realms. They have produced some eye-catching doom paintings and narrative accounts of the murder of Thomas Becket. They are now evaluating different interpretations of King John, in preparation for their next assessment.
    Year 8 
    Well done to Year 8 who have produced some outstanding essays on Elizabeth I. They are now evaluating different interpretations of Oliver Cromwell and are investigating what really happened at Drogheda.
    Year 9
    Students have started their first unit for GCSE: Medicine through time, c1250-present. They have been learning about the Black Death and have produced some wonderful posters on the theory of the four humours.
    Year 10
    Students have now completed Elizabethan England and have made a great start on their new unit, Superpower relations and the Cold War, 1941 – 91.
    Year 11
    Students have worked hard in preparation for their mocks and have now started to revise Weimar and Nazi Germany. Thank you to Mr Bowker for producing the revision schedule and resources that are now available on TEAMs and G4S. There are also many different Kahoot quizzes available to test knowledge of key people, dates and events.  We will be offering additional GCSE revision sessions after half-term.
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  • Computer Science Update - Spring 1

    Published 01/02/22


    The Computer Science department have now become paperless! … Well, as much as we can be.  All teaching and learning resources are now accessed using OneNote which can be used by students both in and out of school. Students can login to their class OneNote Notebook from home by Googling ‘Office 365 Login’, logging in with their school email address and password and the OneNote icon is found along the menu on the left. Each student has access to their own individual electronic exercise book called a ‘notebook’. This provides lots of benefits including being able to access lesson material easily from home if accessing lessons remotely, improving literacy, no more lost or forgotten books and providing digital skills for future employability.

    Smart Revise

     All GCSE and A Level Computer Science students now have access to an online learning and revision platform called Smart Revise.  This has been specifically developed to aid recall (therefore improving long term memory), developing understanding of key terms plus practising exam style questions.  Students have their own individual login, which can be accessed both in school and at home, and it is strongly recommended that students engage with this regularly to master topics taught to retain facts for longer.

    In the Pipeline

    Please keep an eye out for additions to the department later in the year, including enrichment opportunities such as CISCO Accreditation to enable the offer of industry recognised qualifications for our KS4 and KS5 students along with the relaunch of the iDEA Award for our KS3 students.

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February 2022