Year 8 Update- Spring 1

This half-term, students have been exploring Relationships and Sex Education (RSE). These sessions have included Healthy Relationships, Consent and Boundaries. The Year 8 team have been really pleased with the way in which students have responded to these sessions; students were inquisitive, respectful and mature. The Year 8 students were also lucky enough to attend an assembly with a police officer where they explored County Lines. The students had lots of questions about this and made the most of this opportunity.
Children’s Mental Health Week
Monday 7- Sunday 13 February was Children’s Mental Health Week. During tutor time, students took part in a range of sessions to focus on their own mental health and wellbeing. Students also participated in an online assembly with Kooth, a fantastic online resource for young people where they were able to access online support and counselling. Kooth offer young people free, safe and confidential support. Please visit for more information.
We also ran a college competition based around this year’s theme of ‘Growing Together’. Students were asked to create a poem, rap, song or poster that celebrates the importance of this as part of Children’s Mental Health Week. The deadline was Friday 18 February, and we look forward to selecting winners. All students that take part will win 1 college point for their college.
Rewards and Recognition
Year 8 have over 39,000 reward points which is fantastic!
The Top 3 Students are:
- 1st Place - Emily A (8BW01)
- 2nd Place - Andrew N (8PK02)
- 3rd Place - Katie C (8PK01)
On Tuesday 18 January, the Top 30 students in Year 7-11 were invited to attend a cinema event. This was a fantastic event which enabled us to celebrate and recognise students’ excellent attitude in school. Our Year 8 Reward Leaders were brilliant in supporting this event. Another celebration event will follow in Spring 2.
This term saw our first college assemblies since lockdown and therefore, Year 8s’ first ever college assembly! It was lovely to see the students gather with a range of year groups, and we are looking forward to the events that will take place over the remainder of the year.
Parents will have received information from Mrs Barley-Morey in regards to the CEIAG Morrisby Quiz. Students complete this quiz in Computer Science lessons and it was great to hear the range of careers that students were exploring.
It was National Apprenticeship Week this half-term and students took part in some tutor time sessions to explore what apprenticeships are. Students engaged really well with the sessions.
The Year 8 students are getting ready to choose their options and the Year 8 team have received some enquiries. Please be reassured that you will receive some information around this following half-term. We have a detailed plan to ensure that both students and parents/carers are prepared when selecting options. Please be aware that the Parents’ Evening on Monday 4 April will allow for an opportunity to discuss options with relevant staff members.
World Book Day
On Thursday 3 March, students in Y7 and Y8 will be able take part in an exciting event to celebrate 2022’s World Book Day. Please see below for more information…
What is it?
To celebrate World Book Day, we have organised a book swap on a gigantic scale.
When is it? Where is it?
Thursday 3 March at break and lunch in the library.
Why get involved?
This is your child’s chance to share books that they love with others. If they take part, they will end up with a new book for free!
How to get involved?
Your child should bring in a book that they have enjoyed reading but that they are happy to swap for another of their choice. After bringing in their book, they will be given a ticket so that they can ‘buy’ a new book with it on the day. Their book must be brought to form and given to their tutor by Wednesday 2 March.
What will happen to any spare books?
They will be donated to the library or to charity.
If you have any questions, then please contact Miss Kellow on
Thank You!
Thank you for the ongoing support of your child this half-term. We are really looking forward to starting the options process for Year 8 as they think about their next steps in school. Please can we ask for parental support in ensuring students are suitably equipped for school and their uniform is worn to a high standard. Please do get in contact with your child’s tutor if there is anything you wish to discuss.
Miss P Murphy