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Work Experience

All students in Year 10 and in Year 12 are required to complete a week of work experience in the summer term.

Why do work experience?

  • Work experience students develop transferable skills such as team work, communication, flexibility and time keeping.
  • Work experience can also help a student get experience in a career area they are interested in.
  • Work experience can be included on a student’s CV or UCAS, apprenticeship or job applications. Work Experience will enhance applications by helping a student stand out.
  •  There are a number of vocational degrees where work experience is a vital part of post-18  applications and part of the entry requirements


 How do students get work experience?

Students can get work experience by asking, calling or emailing potential employers they are interested in working with. They can also complete work experience with a family member, if they work in an area the student is interested in.

We support also in CV writing, application writing (emails and letters) along with prompts/ guidance  in how to structure an effective phone call or TEAMs / Zoom meeting.


Resources and Forms

Year 10

Work Experience Guide 

Placement Ideas 

Consent Form 

Data Sharing Agreement

Year 12

Form 1 - Placement Details

Form 2 - Risk Assessment

Form 3 - Parental Consent