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Future Pathways


What Can Parents Do? The influence of Parents and Carers on Careers Choices


Careers education, information, and guidance plays a key role, not only in directly supporting young people on the ‘flightpath to their future’ whilst in education, but also in engaging parents/carers so that they can better support the career development and aspirations of their child.

There is substantial evidence of the importance of parental/carer engagement in careers, to facilitate and expand opportunities for young people.

In order to best support parents/carers becoming career aspirants, NLS is keen to better acquaint parents/carers with the world of careers, through a variety of means, so that they can develop quality strategies to:

  • Reinforce and complement the advice and guidance delivered in school
  • Develop your knowledge and understanding of the choices of qualifications and future careers
  • Support your child to make the most informed decision about their future.


The role of parents/carers in influencing the qualities, standards, skills and career development needed for a positive career:

New evidence shows that the majority of young people rate their parents as a ‘really useful source for career support and their help with employability skills.’ (Youth Employment 2019.)

It’s also clear that parent/carer involvement in their child’s school life has positive impacts on young people beyond just their career. Parent/Carer influence is exerted through a range of behaviours and family conditions that foster the development of values, attitudes and self-awareness in children.

This can take place through participation in activities/initiatives at home which primarily provide psychological, financial, learning and well-being support, and structure; but this can be enhanced further by parent/carers participation in activities at school and include:

  • Supporting high attendance and punctuality: for specific information click the link to Attendance and Punctuality here
  • Supporting the standards and values of NLS: for specific information on uniform and rewards please click the link to Parents and Carers here here
  • Having an awareness of NLS school based career activities which include communication and/or collaborating with teachers.
  • Collaborating with NLS careers practitioners.
  • Attending and participating in NLS school based activities
  • Understanding how careers quizzes and on-line careers based websites can support careers decisions
  • Being aware of Labour Market Information and Employment Opportunities available both locally and nationally
  • Being aware of sectors of employment through Alumni and Staff career journeys, Job of the Week, National Websites


NLS is committed to working collaboratively with parents/carers so that they and all of our young people have access to high quality information, advice and guidance to make informed choices and decisions about a future to which they aspire.

Careers Quizzes

Where students are not sure what they want to do careers tools, such as career quizzes, can be very useful for starting a conversation. They can assess areas such as likes, dislikes, skills and interests to make suggestions around possible career choices. They then give you the information required to research the entry requirements for different careers and can give a selection of jobs that are considered good matches.

Students and parents/carers can access some recommended quizzes below. However, it is important to remember that the purpose is start students thinking about what they might want to do.

In Y9 students will use the Careers Pilot quiz which can help to support GCSE choices, but the National Careers Service and Youth Employment quizzes can also be helpful starting points too.

Again it’s important to remember that these quizzes can only give some suggestions to help students to start thinking about what they might want to do.

Please click on the web links as the pictures are for illustration purposes only.

Career Pilot

Career Pilot is national one-stop, impartial, careers website providing information, advice and tools to support 11-19 year olds in planning their progression effectively.

Main Website:


Quiz:   careerpilot.information/help-and-support/quizzes

You will need to register as a student first:

National Careers Service

This is a government run website that provides anyone aged 13+ with life long careers information, advice and guidance to help you make good career choices, no matter what point of your career journey you’re at.




Youth Employment

Youth Employment UK is an independent, not for profit social enterprise founded in 2012 to tackle youth unemployment, giving young people skills, careers support and tools to fulfil their potential - 




Type of Careers

For information on a variety of careers - click here

There are an abundance of informative websites/on-line platforms to support students on the flight path to their future.

For career quizzes please see the Careers Quizzes section above. 


Overall Careers Websites for information, advice and guidance (identified for careers quizzes sections)

Career Pilot
Career Pilot is national one-stop, impartial, careers website providing information, advice and tools to support 11-19 year olds in planning their progression effectively.


National Careers Service
This is a government run website that provides anyone aged 13+ with life long careers information, advice and guidance to help you make good career choices, no matter what point of your career journey you’re at.


Youth Employment
Youth Employment UK is an independent, not for profit social enterprise founded in 2012 to tackle youth unemployment, giving young people skills, careers support and tools to fulfil their potential


Types of Careers/Sectors of Employment for information on the different areas of employment including through apprenticeships:


Career Pilot

Career Pilot is a one-stop, impartial, careers website providing information, advice and tools to support 11-19 year olds in planning their progression effectively             


An online platform that helps to guide students to a bright future with unrivalled information, advice and opportunities for over 40 years.


Government website with information about apprenticeships and opportunities available.

Amazing Apprenticeships

A leading organisation in the education sector, founded to tackle misconceptions about apprenticeships and to promote the benefits.



1,000 different video clips of personal career stories to help students explore different career routes and pathways.



Student, Parent/Carer and Teacher Guide to Post 16 Choices

As your child makes their journey on the ‘flightpath to their future’ it’s important to know what that future could look like.

Continuing in education or training Post 16 allows young people to develop the skills that they will need as they embark on an independent life. It opens doors to future employment and helps them to make the most of their potential. It also reduces the chance of unemployment and helps to boost earning potential by allowing young people to develop new skills.

What is the Legal Requirement for England?
  • Young people can leave school on the last Friday in June if they will be 16 by the end of the summer holidays but they must do one of the following until they are 18:

Choice 1: Stay in full-time education e.g. college or sixth form

Choice 2: Start an Apprenticeship (20% classroom based learning with 80% in the work place) or Traineeship (80% classroom based learning and 20% in the work place)

Choice 3: Spend 20 hours or more a week working or volunteering, whilst also in part-time

education or training. (The government links below provide this information.)



What are the Levels of Qualifications and Education Routes?:

The table below provides a guide for young people, parents/carers and teachers to understand the different qualifications and educational routes young people can take.

*WEX = work experience

Routes and Qualifications.

Which Route is best?

The table shows that all routes can lead to all levels of qualifications. The most important factor to consider is which route would be best for the individual young person so that they can flourish and be successful.

A good starting point is to think about is whether they are best suited to just studying, or whether combining studying with work would be a better choice.

  • Academic Route: This route is for young people who achieve grade 4 or above at GCSE and are suited to 100% study.
  • Vocational Routes: These routes can be considered by all young people and can provide the opportunity to balance experiences of the work place with studying.
Which Post 16 Qualification is best?

It can be confusing trying to find the right information to help your child decide which next step is the right one for them. The grades they achieved from their GCSE exams can be a driver in making that decision as most education providers use GCSE grades to indicate whether a course can be undertaken. The information below is categorised based on GCSE results and we hope this gives you confidence that there are plenty of options locally for all young people, so that no matter what their starting point is, they can find their own unique ‘flight path’ to success

Working towards Level 1 Qualifications (towards GCSE equivalents)

There are a range of qualifications for students who have achieved GCSE grades 1-2 and are specifically focussed on skills development. Some of these are outlined below and are available with local education providers or employers. Click on the links for find out more.

  • Entry Level Certificate: This qualification has the fewest number of hours of learning and aims to prepare learners for further study, work and adult life. They facilitate a range of learning styles for those working below or towards Level 1. They are competency based, emphasising learning by doing. This helps learners develop the transferable skills needed in a changing and dynamic working environment. Learners also gain subject knowledge and independent living skills.
  • Functional Skills: For those students who haven’t been able to achieve Grade 4 in English and Maths, this course allows them to apply their knowledge of maths and English in everyday scenarios, making it highly valued by employers and providing essential life skills.
  • Traineeships: A traineeship is a skills development programme that includes a work placement that is unpaid. It can last from 6 weeks up to 1 year, though most traineeships last for less than 6 months. These are run by individual employers.

Level 2 Qualifications (GCSE equivalents)

These qualifications are for students who achieved GCSE grades 1-3 and are now aiming for GCSE grade 4-9 equivalents. The link below takes you to the Warwickshire College online School Leaver Guide and gives information about the levels of qualifications available (including level 2) and the courses these qualifications can be taken in.

  • Certificates, Awards, Diplomas and NVQs: These level 2 qualifications allow young people to demonstrate a good knowledge and understanding of a subject, and to complete a variety of tasks with some guidance or supervision. It can be suitable for a number of job roles.
  • Functional Skills: This is the most popular alternative to a GCSE Maths and English qualifications, as it is equivalent to a level 4 GCSE. The level 2 English and Maths qualifications enable learners to progress with their studies, lives, and careers by helping them to gain entry into university, as well as improving employment prospects.
  • Intermediate Apprenticeships: This is the first level of apprenticeship (level 2 qualification). It involves spending 80% of the time in the work place, and 20% in a learning environment studying for a work based qualification e.g. BTEC, Certificates, Awards, Diplomas or NVQs. This option provides the opportunity to earn through work, as well as to progress through study.

Students who were unable to achieve a grade 4 in English and/or maths may need to complete the Functional Skills qualifications as well.

For information on finding apprenticeship courses

  • BTEC First Diploma (Business and Technology Education Council): BTECs are specialist work-related qualifications that combine practical learning with subject and theory content. They are designed for young people who are interested in a particular sector or industry but who are not yet sure what job they’d like to do.
    **For all working towards Level 1 and Level 2 Qualification support please contact  Mrs O’Donnell 01926 338711 Ext. 8429

Level 3 Qualifications (A Level equivalents)

For those students who have secured 4/5 GCSE grades 4-9 including Maths and English. The following information provides the key choices available. The web links are national, comprehensive websites that provide additional information to support choice making. However, the table of local education providers and local employer providers can provide more details about the course or opportunities available.

  • T Levels (Technical level): T-levels have been designed with leading businesses and employers to give young people the knowledge and skills they need for work. They are offered in a range of vocational areas and delivered by colleges in partnership with local employers to enable students to progress on to higher level apprenticeships or university. 80% of the time is spend in study often at college, with 20% of the time being spend in the work place. information/vocational-qualifications/types-of-vocational-qualifications/t-levels
  • BTECs – Applied General Qualifications: The qualification is comprised of different core units covering specialist topics required by the sector or industry. There are also optional units to pick from, providing students with the opportunity to deepen their understanding of a particular area of interest, ensuring that what they're learning about fits in with their future plans. This qualification can balance exams with coursework assessments.

  • Advanced Apprenticeships: A huge variety of different employers offer Advanced Apprenticeships. Companies might run their apprenticeship in partnership with a training provider (like a further education college), meaning you’ll split your time between working at the company and attending college or they’ll run it independently and have their own in-house training sessions.

  • Certificates, Awards, Diplomas and NVQs: At Level 3 these allow young people to develop the ability to gain or apply a range of knowledge, skills and understanding at a detailed level. This will support pathways to university, independently work or (in some cases) to supervise and train others in their field of work.

  • A Levels: You can take A Levels in schools, sixth form centres or at some Further Education Colleges. A Levels will give you a chance to find out about your GCSE subjects in greater depth or you can choose to study one of the subjects that many schools and colleges only offer at A Level such as Law, Economics or Psychology. They are good preparation if you are thinking of going onto higher education or if you are not sure of your career plans, as they can keep your options open. They are 100% examined.

  • International Baccalaureate: This is only offered by around 200 education providers nationally, and many of these are fee paying. However it can be an alternative to A’ levels. Students choose up to six subjects as well as three core subjects.

Supported Learning (Young people with SEND)

For young people with learning needs or disabilities as well as the Post 16 opportunities for all young people, there are additional courses that may better support progress to their next destination. Warwickshire College offers Supported Learning programmes that are tailored to individual students' needs and helps to develop a mixture of interests and skills in a supportive environment

In additional Warwickshire County Council provides more information specifically for SEND young people.

However, NLS Careers Team remain committed to supporting all students, whatever their individual context, to a positive, and successful next destination.

Please contact our Careers Coordinator via 01926 338711 Ext


What are the local education providers?

Further Education Colleges


Websites to support your Post 16 choice:

Information on what choices are available Post 16:


Careers Quizzes to support the best Post 16 choice for you: More information can be found in the Careers Quizzes section above.


Links to local Employer providers

If you’re thinking of an Apprenticeship:  More information can be found in the Opportunities section below.

If you’re thinking of a Traineeships: Click on the link below.


Labour Market Information  (LMI) 

What is LMI and why is it important?

LMI stands for Labour Market Information and tells you all about employment in your local area and nationally across the UK. It refers to any relevant information about the current state of the jobs market.

LMI can include information like:

  • The industries and businesses that operate in a certain location.
  • The types of jobs that exist and what they involve.
  • How many of those jobs there are.
  • The skills that are currently or will be in high demand.
  • The entry routes and qualifications needed to get into jobs.
  • Commute and travel to work patterns.
  • Typical rates of pay.
  • Career progression opportunities.

The world is moving very fast and things are changing all the time. As new technologies and industry changes create some jobs and make others obsolete, it can be hard to keep up.

LMI attempts to project into the future to determine what types of skills will be most in demand for new industries that are emerging and for jobs of the future don’t yet exist. Having access to high quality LMI means and earnings data helps to underpin career choices by helping to answer some crucial questions: 

  • Are there opportunities close to where I live in the sector I am interested in or will I need to relocate?
  • How competitive is the industry I am interested in?
  • Are there enough jobs and do I need to have a backup plan?
  • Does the pay for the job I want align to what I would like to earn?
  • What is the best route for me to take to get to the job I would like?
  • Is the industry I would like to work in growing or shrinking?

To understand more watch the following video:

 Labour Market Information Parent & Student Guide Coventry & Warwickshire 2023 

Apprenticeships  - Apprenticeship and Employment Opportunities

Details of a variety of Apprenticeship opportunities and job vacancies can be found here:

July 2024


May 2024
University Hospital Coventry and Warwickshire NHS Trust have an Admin Level 2 Apprenticeship and a Learning and Development Assistant Trainer Level 3 Apprenticeship opportunities. These have a salary of £12,514 and £22,816 respectively. For more information is available via the QR code on each flyer below.


March 2024 - Trainee Gas Turbine Mechanic in Warwick – there are 2 vacancies available over a 12 month period.
CFS Aero are recruiting for a Trainee Gas Turbine Mechanic. Based in Warwick; they are specialists in Aerospace Gas Turbine Engine repair and supply the Aerospace industry and Aircraft Operators around the World.

Further details are below. Interested applicants are requested to please email a covering letter and C.V. to  David Stuart Operation Manager dave.stuart@cfsaero.comor  

Qualities and Skills

  • A team player who is self- motivated enough to work solo when required.
  • Ability to pay attention and focus on detail.
  • Good hand skills and familiarity with tooling.
  • Ability to read and understand a technical manual / instruction.
  • Understanding of tools and how to use them.
  • Responsible and conscientious.
  • Wants to progress, can do attitude.
  • Confident enough to ask a second or third time if instruction not understood the first time.
  • Understands the need to do some basic repetitious work as part of training programme.
  • Able to pass eye test standard N9 with or without prescription eyewear.
  • Physically fit and able to spend long periods standing up.


  • Desired skills
  • Minimum 5 GCSE grade C/5 or above including English Language, Mathematics and a Science, or equivalent (checked against a framework).
  • Proven Hands-on Mechanical experience 
  • Relevant experience in similar role may be considered in lieu of formal qualifications
  • Ability to follow Health and Safety requirements
  • Good computer literacy

About the company

  • The Company expects to grow significantly over the next 5 years.
  • We are looking for people who we can develop into our next generation of skilled fitters, mechanics, inspectors or engineers.
  • You will be working as part of one of our engine teams and your work will consist off but not limited to.
  • Assisting in inspecting components.
  • Assisting in stripping down engines.
  • Assisting in re-building engines.
  • Assisting in testing Engines. 
  • Learning about common problem diagnostics and resolutions.
  • Must be willing to work away from site when required.

The Package

  • 22 days + bank holidays annual leave
  • Working pattern Monday to Friday 07:30 to 16:00
  • 40 hour working week
  • Salary to be discussed at interview and subject to relevant experience

E.ON’s Degree Apprenticeship programme for 2024 is officially open for applications until the end of February.

Available schemes:

  • Accountancy/Taxation Professional
  • Quantity Surveyor
  • Environmental Specialist
  • Project Management
  • Digital Technology
  • Electro-mechanical Engineering

For full details of available Degree Apprenticeships at E.ON, and to apply, please visit their website or scan the QR code below. 

National Apprenticeship Week

In support of National Apprenticeship Week, scheduled in the school calendar for 29 January to 2 February we have put together 70 short video clips or information website links showing apprenticeships linked to subject areas.

The information/video clip links can be found here

Current apprenticeship opportunities.

Army Apprenticeships


Government national website (you can search by location)
National Careers Service  National Careers Service – information on finding out about opportunities and approaching companies

Coventry and Warwickshire Chamber of Commerce Training - apprenticeships

Warwickshire County Council – Apprenticeships:
Apprenticeships with Warwickshire County Council

Local companies offering apprenticeships  

Coventry City Council – apprenticeships
South Warwickshire NHS – apprenticeships
Coventry and Warwickshire Partnership – apprenticeships

Heart of England Training – apprenticeships

WCG (Warwickshire College Group including Leamington College) – Apprenticeships

Apprenticeships – government website for apprenticeships by post code and sector