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Home School Agreement

Home School Agreement 2024-2025

Students will follow the code of conduct by:

  • being committed to attend school on time with the necessary equipment for learning
  • following the school’s behaviour policy at all times, behaving in a way that enables their own learning and other pupils’ learning to take place effectively
  • being polite and respectful to everyone at all times on and off site
  • supporting an atmosphere where everyone feels safe
  • wearing full uniform correctly at all times
  • achieving excellence by producing work to the best of their ability both in class and for homework
  • mobile phones and other electronic devices are left at home or switched off in bags at all times
  • caring for the school environment by respecting the premises, putting all litter in the bins provided and eating only in designated spaces
  • taking opportunities within their school career to enrich their learning journey

The school will provide a high quality education by:

  • delivering high quality learning activities for all students through a well sequenced curriculum
  • monitoring the progress of students and keeping them and their parents informed
  • using positive behaviour management strategies to support excellent behaviour in lessons and around the school
  • setting appropriate homework tasks in accordance with the homework policy
  • ensuring that all students are treated fairly and consistently
  • provide opportunities to learn and develop skills outside the classroom
  • prepare students for next step destinations

Parents and Carers will support the school and their students by:

  • behaving in a polite, safe and respectful manner when on school premises and liaising with the wider school community
  • supporting the school’s ethos by reinforcing the school’s expectations at home
  • supporting the school’s policies, rewards and sanctions
  • role modelling appropriate behaviours to best support the development of your child
  • ensuring that students attend school punctually, wearing school uniform correctly and fully equipped for learning each day
  • supporting students in completing homework to a high standard by providing a suitable environment and allowing adequate time for deadlines to be met
  • attending parents’ evenings and relevant school events throughout the year
  • supporting attendance on educational visits and extra-curricular activities
  • raising concerns about their child’s education promptly and directly with the school rather than via social networking sites or otherwise bringing the school into disrepute
  • contacting reception or relevant staff with urgent messages
  • ensuring they attend every day and avoid taking holidays during term time
  • acknowledging that if students are responsible for maliciously damaging property, the family may be liable for the costs of any repair required