Art Update- Spring 1

The students in the Art Department have been so busy this term producing amazing artwork and getting involved in some charitable projects. Find out about their achievements below.
Kissing it Better Murals
We are delighted to be working with the charity Kissing it Better to support patients in local hospitals. Our fantastic year 7 have been asked to create a character mural for someone else to colour in. This is a great opportunity to share our mindfulness and wellbeing project. We are looking forward to sharing this work with the charity after half term.
Year 7 Mixed Media work
Year 7 have been studying the Artist Jim Dine and we have had some fantastic mixed media work. These are just a few outcomes on display in school. The results are fantastic and year 7 really enjoyed creating stencils and using stained techniques to age their paper.
Year 7 Art Club
Miss Smith has been delivering on a Thursday after school, an Art Club for year 7. One of the topics were self-portraits on a spoon. Here are the fantastic outcomes created. Well done they look fantastic!
Year 8 Exhibition
Year 8 art students were asked to create mixed media collages based around themes of nature. The following students' work was selected to be displayed at the ArtsTrail Gallery Leamington Spa as part of a featured artist’s exhibition currently taking place throughout February and March.
Location: ArtsTrail Gallery, Royal Priors, Leamington Spa
Dates: 4 February – 12 March
Opening Times: 11am – 5.30pm Monday – Saturday
GCSE Art- What you will study
We have many talented young artists in NLS and to showcase some of the fantastic outcomes I have put together a flavour of what our year 9 students have completed for the Surreal Identify Project. Starting with portraiture drawing, surreal collages, leading onto surreal card construction and independent project work.
If your child is interested in Fine Art GCSE take a look at what will be delivered in year 9:
Y12 Artwork
View other Y12 students' work in our gallery here
Royal Academy Art Competition
Students have been given the opportunity to create a piece of Art and enter it in for the Royal Academy Exhibition for Young Artists. Further details can be found on what can be submitted and how to enter here.
BBC Britain's Best Young Artist
If you’d love the chance to show off your artwork, be creatively inspired and are up for the challenge of becoming Britain’s Best Young Artist, then get in touch by clicking below. Applications close at midnight on Sunday 13th March 2022.
To be part of the next series you must be aged between 10 and 14 on 1st September 2022. Find out more
Donations Wanted!
The Art Dept is in need of lots of items you may want to throw away. Please can you send them in with your child so they can hand it directly to their Art Teacher. We are in need of:
- Magazines
- Bottle tops
- Plastic lids
- Old chains
- Zips
- Match stick boxes
- Used match stick or small wooden sticks
- Plastic spoons, knives and forks.
Carol Copeland
Subject leader of Art