Years 7-9 Tutor Curriculum
Year Group Intent
Year 7 Intent– Through the process of Transition, students are introduced to our CORE values and start to develop the skills to positively contribute to a Secondary School community. The Year 7 Tutor Time curriculum introduces students to our PSHE curriculum. Key topics include ….. politics and parliament, Games, essential life skills, and puberty and body development. Students are also introduced to wider curriculum themes such as International Schools projects, Digital Literacy and Numeracy and Finance.
The sessions delivered in the tutor time curriculum each fortnight will be as follows:
Year 8 Intent – Students continue to develop our CORE values and build on the knowledge and skills required to positively contribute to the NLS community. Leadership opportunities in Year 8 include Rewards, International Schools Leaders and School Ambassadors. The Year 8 Tutor Time curriculum develops students’ understanding of our key PSHE topics. Key topics include ….. Law, Crime and Punishment, Why young people gamble, Society and its Dangers, Physical and Mental Wellbeing. Additionally, students develop a wider understanding of curriculum themes such as Digital Literacy, Numeracy and Finance. International Schools projects, in which they have Leadership opportunities.
The sessions delivered in the tutor time curriculum each fortnight will be as follows:
Year 9 – Students continue to develop our CORE values and begin their process of preparing their subject choices into GCSE. Leadership opportunities in Year 9 include Charity and Community and Marketing leaders. The Year 9 Tutor Time curriculum establishes students’ understanding of our key PSHE topics, building on the work completed in Year 8. Key topics include ….. Extremism, Terrorism, Gaming, Prejudice, Discrimination and Body Confidence. Additionally, students continue to engage with curriculum themes such as International Schools projects, Digital Literacy and Numeracy and Finance.
The sessions delivered in the tutor time curriculum each fortnight will be as follows: