Careers Journey
- To provide students with inspirational, diverse and dynamic experiences of the full range of education and training options within the local and national context so they can make informed decisions about their future.
- To support the development of career management, employability, enterprise and the qualities, standards and skills students will need to gain, maintain and progress within a career to which they aspire.
Curriculum Provision:
We put the government’s statutory guidance on ‘careers guidance and access for education and training providers to schools’ at the very heart of NLS careers provision.
Our provision incorporates two nationally recognised frameworks around which NLS continuously develops the careers programme not only in line with our legal obligations but to ensure that our provision strives to be an outstanding one for all of our students:
- Gatsby Benchmarks.
These are internationally recognised and are endorsed by the government.
- CDI’s (Career Development Institute) career development frame work.
This framework is promoted by a government endorsed national body for careers education, the Careers and Enterprise Company.
It allows us to describe CAREER to students as their journey through life, learning and work; encouraging them to actively develop their careers through skill acquisition, knowledge and the right attitude.
The CDI has done extensive research and consulted with career development experts/practitioners to identify six career development learning areas that are needed to have a positive career. A positive career is described as including being happy with the way you spend your time, being able to make a contribution to the community and being able to have a decent standard of living.
View the Careers Learning Journey below: