Year 9 Update - Spring 2

Once again, Year 9 students have had a really positive half-term. It is evident that they are going from strength to strength while they continue to manage the demands of their GCSE studies, as well as engaging positively with all aspects of school life. It has been great to hear from students that they are enjoying their work and seeing that they are making excellent progress against their target grades, particularly in those subjects being undertaken for the first time such as Photography, Health and Social, Business Studies and Media Studies.
As always, we concluded the term with a couple of rewards and celebrations. The top 50 students with the most rewards points within the year group were invited to a Rewards Celebration Event where pupils were treated to a film and pizza in the theatre.
In our end of term Celebration Assembly, a number of Year 9 students received certificates to acknowledge their achievements and successes from the Spring Term between Data 1 (November 2021) and Data 2 (February 2022), based on students’ efforts and for those who had made the most progress during this period.
Certificates were awarded across three categories to the top 2 students in each college:
- Achievement (progress against own targets)
- Attainment (highest average points scored)
- Most Reward Points
The tables below show which students received which certificates. All recipients should be extremely proud of their excellent efforts and high levels of engagement across this past term!
Achievement |
College |
Name |
Tutor Group |
Blackdown |
Eleanor A. |
09BD01 |
Fallon D. |
09BD02 |
Binswood |
Chloe F. |
09BW02 |
Ian de la PW. |
09BW02 |
Croft |
Archie P. |
09CT01 |
Alfie S. |
09CT02 |
Manor |
Archie G. |
09MR02 |
Rylee B. |
09MR01 |
Park |
Izzy S. |
09PK02 |
Luca Di M. |
09PK02 |
Attainment |
College |
Name |
Tutor Group |
Blackdown |
Tarnvir S. |
09BD02 |
Eleanor A. |
09BD01 |
Binswood |
Arthur F. |
09BW02 |
Ian de la PW. |
09BW02 |
Croft |
Lily T. |
09CT02 |
Freya M. |
09CT01 |
Manor |
Ned B. |
09MR02 |
Mackenzie W. |
09MR01 |
Park |
Libby R. |
09PK02 |
Isobel G. |
09PK02 |
Reward Points |
College |
Name |
Tutor Group |
Blackdown |
Sophie M. |
09BD02 |
Grace G. |
09BD02 |
Binswood |
Ian de la PW. |
09BW02 |
Evelyn E. |
09BW01 |
Croft |
Isa P. |
09CT01 |
Hannah M. |
09CT01 |
Manor |
Fred S. |
09MR02 |
Lucas RL. |
09MR02 |
Park |
Emilia H. |
09PK01 |
Hannah S. |
09PK01 |
Learning Mentor Commendation
The following Year 9 students were recognised by their Learning Mentors for a variety of impressive reasons and awarded with a special certificate – well done to you all!
Tutor Group |
Learning mentor |
Student |
Reason |
09BD01 |
Miss Tyreman |
Will T. |
For always being willing to contribute his ideas to discussions during tutor time sessions. |
09BD02 |
Miss Cessford |
Scott W. |
Consistent thoughtful contributions to classroom discussions, helpful in the classroom and offering to help out staff and peers. |
09BW01 |
Miss McKinley |
Evelyn E. |
Evelyn always contributes to our sessions, even the topics that have been more hard hitting this year. She is an outstanding member of our tutor group |
09BW02 |
Mr Sigmundsson |
Ian de la PW. |
Superb contributions to tutor time discussions. |
09CT01 |
Mrs Spademan |
Isa P. |
For showing amazing leadership skills, always being willing to lead and help others. |
09CT02 |
Mr Piper |
Katie M. |
Nominating our hamper recipient, extremely sensible and considered suggestions in tutor time. |
09MR01 |
Miss Reed |
Alex C. |
Always engages really well in discussions and is always keen to lead sessions and get involved. |
09MR02 |
Ms Walsh |
Dhruv M. |
Consistent positive attitude and contribution in tutor time. Always polite and helpful. Thoughtful responses and caring attitude to peers. Good contribution to wider school issues. |
09PK01 |
Miss Ryles |
Connor D. |
Always doing the right thing without being asked. Excellent attitude to learning and attendance which is reflected across all of his lessons. |
09PK02 |
Mrs Wilson/Mrs Harding |
Joe C. |
Constantly hard working and willing to add to debate with thought and confidence. |
Ukraine Humanitarian Appeal
Year 9 Charity and Community Leaders were instrumental in organising and packaging the generous donations made by pupils and staff. Please view
how NLS students have helped with the Ukraine Humanitarian Appeal.
Tutor Time Curriculum
The focus of our tutor time sessions this half-term has been “Staying Safe – Online and Offline”. Learning Mentors and Student Leaders have delivered sessions relating to topics such as Cyberbullying, Online Grooming and Drugs, Alcohol and Safety. The Year 9 team have once again been really impressed with students’ engagement and contributions, as well as their maturity and curiosity in these relevant topics. Also, during this half-term, students were provided with the opportunity to complete their “2nd Learning Conversation”; a process in which students analyse their own data and progress from their subjects and set themselves challenging yet achievable goals for the next term. As a part of our International School status, students spent a week immersing themselves in a project entitled “Living Without Harm” by creating art work and writing letters, which will be exchanged with our partner school Anjuman Islamic Girls School in India. Lastly, students also spent some time this half-term developing their understanding and importance of a CV and had the opportunity to create their own.
Message to Parents and Carers
As we complete the second term of the year, I want to acknowledge and applaud all of the students who continue to sustain their motivation, commitment and determination to their schoolwork. The hard work that has already been put in and is continuing to be put in now will certainly stand students in good stead: they will undoubtedly be rewarded for this consistency as they progress through their GCSE subjects. Finally, I’d like to thank all parents and carers for their continued support over the past few weeks - I wish you all a very happy Easter break!
Mr. Butler