Year 9 Update - Summer 1

This half term has flown by! Year 9 students have really matured this half term, they are focused on the future and excited about starting their GCSEs in Year 10. They have continued to promote the school ethos through the tutor curriculum as well as during lessons. On average, their attitude to learning is improving across the majority of subject areas. There are a plethora of events that have occurred this term that have, again, made me incredibly proud to be the Year 9 Lead.
On Thursday 23 May Year 9 students enjoyed a trip to Alton Towers. The trip was organised to celebrate and reward those students that have continued to display an exemplary attitude and behaviour in / out of lesson time. From the start of the day students were excited, energetic, and enthusiastic and an absolute delight. I could not be more proud.
We had a fantastic day. Students experienced the thrills, adventure and excitement of the adrenaline fuelled rides. With plenty of opportunities for discovery, adventure and being able to make fantastic memories.
Let’s hear from the students themselves:
"I had such a great time at Alton Towers. We managed to get on so many rides. My particular favourite was Smiler. It was epic’’
‘’ It was such a great opportunity to spend time with friends. I did enjoy going on the rides, however it was also lovely to just spend time together.’’
‘’Nemesis, Rita, Oblivion, Thirteen, Galactica to name a few……I even managed to get onto Rita twice. I absolutely loved it. Such an adrenaline rush’’
Well done to the students who have 100% attendance this half term and its pleasing that we have seen an improvement in the Year 9 attendance figures this half term however, we need to continue to work collaboratively to ensure that we reach our target of at least 96% for all students. Every child has a right to access the education to which he/she is entitled. Parents/carers and teachers share the responsibility for supporting and promoting excellent school attendance and punctuality for all. Our website contains information which maybe of use if you do need further support with any aspects of attendance
Moving into Year 10 and the start of GCSE courses, it is important that the routines our students develop around attendance and punctuality at school are key in helping them achieve as well as preparation for the future and ultimately in the world of work. High attainment, confidence with peers and staff, and future aspirations depend on good attendance. We are definitely moving in the right direction.
Tutor curriculum
This term we have continued to include Literacy and Current Affairs Quizzes within our tutor time curriculum, with PSHE topics centred around prejudice, discrimination, racism, hate crimes and celebrating differences.
Embracing and celebrating group difference is something that we continue to promote at NLS. We try to mark festivals as a class, there are chances to focus in depth on celebrations of cultural difference, and as a teacher we celebrate cultural diversity through wall displays, using books and moving images.
Importantly, we continue to discuss, embrace and celebrate difference. Although PSHE is well-placed to promote positive community relations, as a school we continue to make this a foci if we are to truly build a cohesive society.
Students continue to enjoy the Career’s Job of the Week section of tutor time which has covered roles as a Herbalist, Illustrator, Judge, Learning Disability Nurse, Make-up artist and Newspaper Journalist this half term.
I am pleased to announce that Year 9 retain their position at the top of the rewards table. I am incredibly impressed. This demonstrates the dedication and commitment students display in and out of lessons and is a fantastic accomplishment. Data has revealed that all student have received a significant number of reward points for following reasons:
- Commitment
- Literacy
- Excellence
Top 10
I am also pleased to announce that 9BW02 is the tutor group with the highest reward points in Year 9. Well Done!
Reward points start afresh again after half term with many opportunities for students to earn them, culminating in a summer rewards event for our top achievers.
Hall of Fame
Jacob competed in his first Warwickshire County Championship competition in the U15 Boys 1500m race. He achieved the Gold medal with a performance of 4mins 24 secs
It has been a very successful term and I applaud all the students that continue to sustain their motivation, passion and commitment to their work and the Year Group. You all make me proud. Long may it continue! Have a safe and happy half term. Please look after yourselves and each other.
Thank you all for your continued engagement. It is this triangulated approach that allows us to fully support your child at NLS.
Mr Royle
Year 9 Lead