Year 9 Update - Spring Term

What a term it has been. The past 10 weeks have been busy yet exciting and included the Year 9 Revision Evening, Parents Evening, Options, a CIAEG event, College Quiz and Sport Activities, Rewards Assembly and Celebration Event and the launch of three trips.
It is important to recognise that we have reached a milestone in our journey at NLS. Students have spent a significant amount of time contemplating which subjects they would like to choose as part of the options process. Ms Foy, Tutors and the Data Team have worked arduously to ensure the process runs as smoothly as possible.
Students have had the opportunity to enjoy taster sessions in Business Studies and Health and Social Care, along with information regarding Travel & Tourism in Geography lessons, to provide an insight into the curriculum, structure and expectations for each of these subjects.
It is always a good time for students to reflect on what has gone well and what they would like to improve on further in Year 9 as they move on to study their GCSEs. Students have been provided with opportunities to complete a series of activities in tutor time centred around their recent data report, identifying what they need to do in order to raise their attainment and make positive steps in demonstrating those CORE values.
The majority of Year 9 students demonstrate the CORE values every day. Their simple gestures go a long way in spreading happiness in NLS along with continuing to follow instructions and display a positive work ethic. I am so very proud of the students in Year 9. It is important to help them to feel happy at school as well as ensuring they have high aspirations. I have received a significant amount of positive feedback from staff and tutors that our Year 9s behave in a very mature and empathetic manner. I am hoping that they will continue to make the right decisions in the future and build / maintain positive friendships at school and in the community.
Red Nose Day
On Friday 15 March Year 9 Charity Leaders helped organise a series of events to raise money for Comic Relief. I contributed by allowing students to throw a soaking wet sponge at my face. The students seized this opportunity. I am just grateful that I remembered to bring a spare set of clothes as I was absolutely drenched – all for a good cause! The Year 9 Charity and Community Leaders did a sterling job executing their plan.
Tutor Curriculum
This term we have continued to include Literacy and a Current Affairs Quizzes within our tutor time curriculum, with PSHE topics centred around Gaming and Gambling, Children’s Mental Health and complete an International Schools Project. The students worked in pairs to take part in the NLS Earthshot Prize which required students to come up with solutions to one of the world’s or school’s environmental problems.
I am pleased to announce that Year 9 have managed to maintain their rightful position at the top of the rewards table. This is no mean feat and I am incredibly impressed. This demonstrates the dedication and commitment students display in and out of lessons and is a fantastic accomplishment. When analysing the data, it is clear that a significant amount of reward points have been awarded to Year 9s for demonstrating EXCELLENCE in the classroom and RESPECT to others. It does not surprise me that 93% of students have received at least 50 reward points this half term accumulating a total 23964 points.
I am pleased that 30 students in Year 9 had the opportunity to attend a Pizza Reward Event as a prize for accumulating the highest number of reward points this term. It was lovely to see them relaxing, eating pizza and socialising with their peers. Well deserved.
I am extremely proud of all Year 9 students however, the pupils listed below have worked well in lessons and displayed leadership and exceptional progress. This is a fantastic accomplishment. Their ability to maintain their lead demonstrates that they have been consistent in their approach to learning. Taking on leadership roles within lessons, working above their target as well as supporting others are just a few of the underlying reasons why they have managed to be awarded so many points. Congratulations to all of the students listed below. I am very proud of you all.
I am also pleased to announce that 9BW02 is the tutor group with the highest reward points in Year 9. Well Done.
Students with most reward points in each College
Students who have achieved the most progress
It is clear that we have some incredible students that continue to display an exceptional attitude to learning and are therefore managing to achieve in all subject areas. The majority of Year 9 students have improved their Attitude to Learning in at least one subject. I am confident that by providing additional support and intervention, it will not be long before all Year 9 students are achieving at least ‘good’ in all subjects. Well done to all students that continue to challenge themselves and working to the best of their ability. You are all a credit to NLS.
I want to take this opportunity to thank those parents / carers that attended the Year 9 Revision and Support Evening. It was fantastic that so many of you were able to attend this event and hope the advice and strategies shared on supporting students to manage their independent learning and revision at home in preparation for their transition to Key Stage 4 at the end of this academic year was useful.
I also want to take the opportunity to say well done to the students who have 100% attendance this half term. We continue to try to get to this level for all our young people as a high level of attendance is essential for students to reach their full educational achievement, future aspirations, and to assist their social development. For any parents/ carers that may want additional support you can find further information and useful resources on our website in the Family Support section and Attendance section.
If parents/ carers feel there is an issue which could affect their child's attendance, please contact me or your child’s tutor at the earliest opportunity. It is really important that you engage in your child’s attendance and regularly check through updates from the school. There should be no surprises when you review your child’s attendance on G4S.
I would also like to say a huge thank you to those parents and carers that recently attended the Subject Evening. As Year Leader I am trying to ensure that we keep our lines of communication open and maintain parental engagement. The feedback was extremely positive. Thank you for your comments on the Parent / Carer questionnaire. I am pleased to inform that more water fountains are being installed in the near future. A reminder the Curriculum Overviews and Learning Journeys are on the school website within the Learn section and Curriculum here. They are an extremely useful resource to engage in your child’s current / future topics that will be studied.
Three trip opportunities have been launched to provide wider curriculum experiences, Alton Towers, a Year 8 and 9 trip to Iceland and a Year 9 trip to New York. Information has been sent which is also available on the website in the letters tab in the Parent/ Carer section but if you do require any further information please do not hesitate to contact me.
A reminder the deadline for the first instalment for the New York trip of £300 is due to be paid via ParentPay by Monday 8 April.
One of our students, Ben Leah, attended a trial recently for Warwickshire County Schools Football– Under 14s, and was successful in being offered a place in the squad. Well done Ben.
It has been a very successful term. I applaud all of the students that continue to sustain their motivation, passion and commitment to their work and the Year Group. You all make me proud. Long may it continue! Have a safe and happy half term. Please look after yourselves and each other.
Thank you all for your continued engagement. It is this triangulated approach that allows us to fully support your child at NLS.
Mr Royle Year 9 Lead