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Year 9 Update - Spring 1

This half term, students have been exploring Legal and Illegal Drugs as part of their tutor time curriculum. We have been really pleased with the way in which students have responded to these sessions; students are inquisitive, respectful and mature.

Last week was Children’s Mental Health Week and during tutor time students took part in a range of sessions to focus on their own mental health and well-being.

Students also participated in an online assembly with Stef Parkins (Mental Health Lead) and Beth Smalldon (Student Support Manager) who explored the support students can access both in and out of school. As a reminder, there is a fantastic online resource for young people where they are able to access online support and counselling called Kooth. Kooth offer young people free, safe and confidential support. Please visit for more information. 

In the last week of half term, students focused on National Apprenticeship Week where they explored ‘What is an Apprenticeship? This was a fantastic opportunity for our Year 9 students to explore their future choices available after Year 11. Please do spend some time talking to your child about their experiences of what they explored and learnt.

Health Needs Assessment
Thank you to all of you who supported in completing the Health Needs Assessment online. The nurses, from Compass/Connect for Health are now reviewing these and some Year 9 students will be invited to attend optional 1:1 sessions with a nurse in the first week back following half term. These are confidential sessions, although if there should be a safeguarding concern information will be passed on to the school and to parents/carers.

Year 9 Trip
Subject-specific educational school trips take place throughout each academic year. We will be running a year group trip for Year 9 students in the summer term. This will be linked to rewards and attendance and all students will have the opportunity to attend. More information will follow after February half term.

Rewards and Recognition
Year 9 have over 39,000 reward points which is fantastic!
Our Top 10 Students are:

Andrew N


Daisy G


Mae HS


Emego N


Birenjeet H


Dylan S


Martin S


Fergus P


Noah M


Willem S


At the end of next half term, we will have our Easter Celebration Event where the top 50 Year 9 students will be invited for a celebration event to acknowledge their positive impact on our school community. Again, more information will follow after half term.

Thank You!
Thank you for the on-going support of your child this half term and I hope that they have a fantastic break over half term.

Mrs P Clarke