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Year 9 Update Autumn 1 2022

The Year 9s return to school has been fantastic; the Year 9 team are really pleased the majority of students are wearing their uniform to a high standard, have a positive attitude towards their learning and are engaged in their KS4 options. This is a really important year as they begin their KS4 journey

Tutor Time
Tutor groups have been working hard on establishing their Year 9 vision through their noticeboards. This is both a College and a Year group competition which is to be judged in the final week of half term. We will announce the winners after half term! We also welcomed Mrs Ross, Miss Redfern and Miss Nastalek as new form tutors to Year 9, who are fantastic additions to the team!

This half term Year 9 students have been exploring Combatting Extremism and Terrorism within the Tutor Time curriculum. This has offered them an excellent opportunity to develop their student leadership and knowledge of these areas.

We have also been celebrating Black History month where students have engaged with a range of activities and an assembly led by our Year 13 Assistant Senior Student Leaders – Equality and Diversity.

Student Leadership
As part of our Student Leadership provision, Year 9 students have had the opportunity to apply to be Charity and Community Leaders and Marketing Leaders. The applications were of a really high standard, so a massive well done to these students for taking the initiative to apply for these roles, it shows real commitment to school life.

Our whole-school Open Evening saw many of Year 9 students supporting the evening in different subject areas.  We were so proud of the way these students welcomed our visitors and represented North Leamington School. Lots of visitors commented on how polite and helpful the students were!

College System
This half term, students had their Welcome Back College assembly to welcome their new Year 7 students. It was fantastic to see our College communities come together for the start of the new academic year. We also have some fantastic additions of College banners in the canteen to raise the profile of our College system in school. Next half term will see our first College fortnight, where students will spend more time in their Colleges.

Attendance continues to be a focus for the whole-school so I would like to ask for your support in ensuring your young person is on time and in school every day – we aim for all students to have at least 96% attendance. We launched a Challenge 100 the week commencing Monday 17th October. This is where tutor groups competed for 100% attendance. Those tutor groups that manage this will be treated to a hot chocolate in the canteen. Those individuals with 100% attendance will be awarded with an R3. Results will be announced following half term!

Between August 16th and 18th four Year 9 students attended a course held at Loughborough University, run by the Smallpiece Trust, dedicated towards the endeavour of getting girls interested and involved within engineering. We are really proud of Gabi, Laura, Bethan and Katie. Please see an article they wrote here

Rewards and Recognition
We are really pleased that Year 9 have over 11500 reward points so far this year! A massive well done to 9PK02, 9BD02 and 9BD01 who are the top Year 9 Tutor Groups. We are really proud of our top 10 students Andrew N (9PK02), Jacob B (9BW02), Biren H (9MR01), Harry D (9CT01), Emma T (9BW01), Savanna W (9BW02), Libby B (9BD02), Thomas G (9MR01), David S-C (9BW02) and Dylan S (9BW02).

Autumn 2 will see the return of our Rewards Events and more information will follow soon.  

Macmillan Coffee Morning
On Friday 14th October, NLS held our annual Macmillan Coffee Morning supported by our Year 9 Charity Leaders. Students brought in a range of cakes and sweet treats for us to sell. Thank you so much for your support with this!


Thank You!
Thank you for the on-going support of your child, it has been brilliant to meet and speak with so many of you as we transition the students in to Year 9 and their KS4 options.
Do continue to communicate with us as we are here to support all Year 9 children. I hope that the Year 9 students have a restful half term and we look forward to seeing them on their return to school.

Miss P Murphy