Year 8 Update - Summer 2

As we conclude another academic year, I want to take this opportunity to reflect on the outstanding achievements of our Year 8 students. This year has been filled with growth, learning, and memorable experiences. Our students have shown remarkable resilience and adaptability, and their progress has been extremely commendable.
Celebration Evening
Celebration Evening is a highlight of the year when we can recognise students who have made an outstanding contribution to our CORE, Humanities and Performance Faculties, to their year group, to sports along with whole school awards. In particular for Year 8 we celebrated our leaders in our Eco and International Schools Programmes and those that were Transition Leaders during last year. Well done to all students nominated and to those awarded the Overall Outstanding Contribution.
Sports Day
One of the most eagerly anticipated events of the year is Sports Day. The enthusiasm and sportsmanship displayed by our Year 8 students were truly inspiring. From the sprint races to the long jump, each event was a testament to the students' dedication and teamwork. Whichever College wins it was a day filled with fun, camaraderie, and healthy competition.
Year 8 Maths Bee 2024
Year 8 students took part in our annual Maths Bee on 11 July. The event was split in two sessions across the day and over a number of scored rounds, students worked hard on their Numeracy and Maths skills and worked collaboratively in teams for their Colleges. Blackdown took an earlier win in session 1 but congratulations goes to the overall winners, Binswood, who made a surging comeback in the second session!

Final Results
1 Binswood
2 Blackdown
3 Manor
4 Park
5 Croft
Tutor time curriculum
Over the course of this half-term our Year 8s have been working on the key concepts of mental health and well-being. They have discussed, researched, listened, debated and shared ideas and knowledge regarding physical and mental health, body image, managing stress, tackling bullying, exercise and healthy eating. Students also took part in our own NLS General Election and voted after having seen broadcasts (from our Year 12 students!) representing each of the main political parties
Our Career’s Job of the Week section of tutor time has covered roles such as a Herbalist, Illustrator, Judge, Learning Disability Nurse, Make-up artist and Newspaper Journalist this half term. We have also continued to develop our literacy skills and general knowledge in weekly quizzes.
Extracurricular Activities
Our students have actively participated in various extracurricular activities, enhancing their skills and building lasting friendships. Here are some notable mentions:
• Sports: Our Year 8 sports teams have had an excellent year. Our football, netball, basketball and rounders teams have had an amazingly successful year. We are all very proud of your achievements!
• Clubs and Societies: Participation in clubs such as the Drama Club, Science Club, and Art Club has been impressive, with many students gaining new skills and interests. It would be great to see all our students trying something new next year and joining a club that may spark an interest.
• Charity Events: Year 8 students actively participated in fundraising events in school, supporting local charities and demonstrating their compassion and community spirit.
School Trips – Paris 2024
This year, Year 8 students enjoyed several enriching trips and events including our residential trip to Paris. Despite long and tiring journeys both to and from Paris, all our students had a brilliant time. The day at Disneyland on Saturday was full of fun, laughter and screams from the rides! Sunday we headed into central Paris and saw at first-hand the enormous preparations for the summer Olympic Games. We scaled the Eiffel tower to the second floor in record time and then had a leisurely cruise down the Seine taking in the sights. Some of our intrepid students even tried the snails at dinner in the evening! We completed our stay at the château with the last-night disco where the Year 8 movers and shakers showed us their dance-floor skills.
I am extremely proud of our Year 8 students who conducted themselves brilliantly! The staff at the château were very complimentary about our huge group and all the teachers who accompanied us agreed that this was an excellent and successful trip for our Year 8 youngsters. Where should we plan to go next?
Rewards and celebration:
As ever celebrating achievements is one of the most pleasurable aspect of our roles so a huge congratulations goes to the following students for their outstanding commitment to their school journey by having the highest number of rewards.
A fantastic total of 92,524 rewards has been accrued across the year group.
Top ten students across the year group:
Top two Year 8 students in each College:
Highest Achievement – students who are working above their target grades in the highest number of subjects.
Outstanding students in each tutor group:
Summer Rewards Event
On Monday 15 July, 50 students who achieved the highest number of reward points for this term were invited to our Summer Rewards Event. The students really enjoyed the inflatables we hired to celebrate their efforts. Well Done!
Looking Ahead
As we look forward to the next academic year, we are excited about the opportunities and challenges that await our students. We encourage all Year 8 students to continue striving for excellence, embracing new experiences, and supporting one another. We also have high expectations for all our Year 9 students in this all-important GCSE choices year with the highest standards of uniform, 100% attendance, a school bag for books and pencil-case, the correct equipment for each class and a positive attitude towards their Year 9 studies. The Autumn term will begin on Wednesday 4 September.
Thank You
I would like to extend my heartfelt gratitude to all our parents and carers for their unwavering support and involvement in the school community. Your partnership is invaluable in helping our students succeed.
To our dedicated teachers and staff, thank you for your hard work and commitment to providing a nurturing and stimulating learning environment.
Finally, to our Year 8 students, congratulations on all your achievements this year. Enjoy your well-deserved summer break, and we look forward to seeing you in Year 9!
Wishing you all a restful and enjoyable summer.
With my best regards,
Mr Boyes
ear 8 Lead