Year 8 Update- Summer 1

Rewards and Recognition
We are incredibly proud that our Year 8 students have over 60,000 reward points!
Congratulations to the top 3 students in Year 8:
1st Place Teagan S (8MR01)
2nd Place Esme S (8PK02)
3rd Place Nadia R (8MR01)
A massive well done to the Top 3 Year 8 tutor groups below:
1st Place 8PK02 – Mr Challice
2nd Place 8PK01 – Ms Lloyd
3rd Place 8MR01 – Mrs Copeland
Students have explored a range of topics as part of our tutor time curriculum this half-term. Students started the term by exploring their mental and physical health; reflecting on how they can best look after themselves and their wellbeing. Students then explored the dangers of child gambling, which was really interesting.
In the final week of term, there has been an exciting build up to the Queen’s Platinum Jubilee.
Our fantastic Year 8 Rewards Leaders, alongside the Year 9 Charity and Community Leaders, have been busy creating lots of bunting to decorate the Student Services and Canteen areas in school. It was wonderful to see our students working within their colleges, and across year group, to do this.
Each tutor group has been tasked with creating the best Jubilee decoration for their tutor group. These were judged on the final day of half term.
Thank you for your support with the Year 8 options process. All students have selected their options and more information will follow soon. It was fantastic to read through the parent feedback from the Year 8 Options Evening, so thank you to those of you who did this.
Thank You
Thank you for the ongoing support of your child this half-term. We now look forward to the final half-term of Year 8. As a reminder, please do support us in ensuring your child has the correct uniform each day so that we can keep standards high until the end of the school year.
Next half-term will see some exciting opportunities for Year 8 students, including the Big Bang Fair, Sports Day and Race for Life.
We hope that you and your families have a wonderful bank holiday and enjoy the Jubilee Celebrations. We look forward to seeing the students return for the final half-term.
Miss P Murphy