Year 8 Update - Autumn 1

As we come to the end of another busy and productive half-term I want to reflect on the positive start to the new academic year the vast majority of students have made. It was particularly wonderful to witness so many of our Year 8 students supporting the Open Evening in September with such maturity. It was clear to parents that so many of them take a real pride in our school and went to great lengths to let prospective parents have an insight into what a great school we have.
Tutor Curriculum
This half term students have been looking at Crime and Punishment as well as Black History as part of Black History month.
Students continue to develop their student leadership skills under the watchful eye of their tutors
This half term’s assemblies have focussed on encouraging students to be the best version of themselves as well as introducing the Year 8 Careers focus of Awareness.
Post-16 Careers Event
This half-term, we had a fantastic Post-16 careers event aimed at introducing students to future education pathways, specifically focusing on T Levels. This new qualification offers an exciting alternative to traditional A Levels, combining classroom learning with on-the-job experience. A representative from one of our local colleges was on hand to explain how T Levels work, the different subjects on offer, and how students can benefit from the practical experience they provide.
Our Year 8 students may not be choosing their post-16 options just yet but it is never too early to start thinking about the future. The event was an excellent way to broaden their horizons and get them thinking about different career pathways. We hope this has sparked some early curiosity and will encourage students to explore all the possibilities available to them.
Whole School
Unfortunately, our Race for Life event in September had to be cancelled due to the weather; we aim to reschedule this for the Spring/Summer term when, hopefully, conditions will be better.
On Thursday October 10, World Mental Health day, we participated in supporting the YoungMinds Hello Yellow day. It was fantastic to see those in Year 8 wearing a yellow accessory alongside their uniform and thank you to those who baked or donated cakes for sale at break time. From the cake sale and donations we raised over £800 for Young Minds.
In tutor time students received guidance on how to support their own mental wellbeing and were reminded of the resources and support available to them within school including support from our Mental Health Team, Lulu our school dog, and the wider Individual Educational Needs (IEN) team.
Behaviour and Standards
In terms of behaviour, the vast majority of our students continue to uphold the high standards we expect at North Leamington School. We have seen excellent examples of kindness, respect, and responsibility in and out of the classroom. However, there is always room for improvement, and we will continue to work with those who need a little further support to meet our school’s behavioural expectations. We encourage parents and carers to reinforce these standards at home, ensuring students understand the importance of respectful behaviour in lessons as well as during social time. We will also continue to reinforce our commitment to high behaviour and academic standards. Please remind students of the importance of coming to school prepared, equipped with all necessary materials, and ready to engage positively with their learning.
Paris Trip Launched
This term has also seen the launch of our Paris Trip, which will take place in the summer term next year. This will be an incredible opportunity for Year 8 students to experience French culture, practice their language skills and explore the beautiful city of Paris. We are confident this will be an unforgettable experience for our students and a valuable opportunity to enhance their learning outside the classroom.
Rewards and Celebration
As ever celebrating rewards is one of the most pleasurable aspect of our roles so a huge congratulations goes to the following students who were recognised for their outstanding commitment to their school journey.
Student |
Tutor Group |
Rewards |
Emilia A |
8BD02 |
152 |
Jessica B |
8BD01 |
150 |
Jimin Y |
8BD01 |
150 |
Gaia T |
8BD01 |
149 |
Sophia C |
8BD01 |
147 |
Tommy L |
8BD02 |
137 |
Elsa C |
8CT01 |
136 |
Jakob B |
8BD02 |
135 |
William R |
8BD01 |
135 |
Marley G |
8BD02 |
132 |
Student Leadership
Well done to our Year 8 students who applied and have been selected as Reward and International Schools Leaders for this year.
Looking Ahead
As we look forward to the next half term, there are a number of events and opportunities Year 8 can be involved in:
- Remembrance Day
- Our first College fortnight of the year
- Anti-bullying week
- Winter concert - Wednesday 4 December
- Community and Charity Christmas activities
Year 8 will also have an Oracy Workshop in November. This speaking and listening day will put the students into the depths of the Dragons Den. Working in groups they will pitch a new game idea to the dragons to see if they can get an investment in their innovative idea. They will create, develop and pitch their game to the dragons and will need to demonstrate their creativity, innovation and teamwork to ensure their game receives the investment! We look forward to their creations.
May we take the opportunity of wishing you a lovely half term.
Mrs Sarah Barley-Morey
AHT Y8 Lead, CEIAG/Student Self Reflection Lead