Year 7 Update - Summer 1

Year 7 continue to have a great year so far. They really are proving to be a lovely year group, who are full of potential as we prepare for them to transition to Year 8.
This term started with a fantastic weekend away to Whitemoor Lakes. This first residential opportunity for year 7 students was a great experience enjoyed by all. There is an article all about the weekend with photographs in the latest news section on our website and if you haven't had an opportunity as yet to read about you it is linked in the News Section in this Parent Bulletin.
Tutor Curriculum
This half term students have been looking at:
- important life events, and decision making;
- having a growth mindset and building resilience;
- developing positive role models, skills and qualities;
- identifying what success might look like;
- using websites, apps and QR codes;
- how IT can help support career choices and interview skills;
- the importance of money.
Its lovely to see students continue to develop their student leadership skills during tutor time and their confidence is building when engaging with other student by asking questions about the session, as well as making great use of white boards. Students continue to enjoy the Career’s Job of the Week section of tutor time which has covered roles as an Herbalist, Illustrator, Judge, Learning Disability Nurse, Make-up artist and Journalist this half term.
Debate club
Isobel R has organised a Year 7 debate club. This is a fantastic undertaking as Isobel has sourced a location and a member of staff to support the club, as well as creating the marketing slide to promote it. So far topics have included:
- Does pineapple belong on pizza?
- Is AI good or bad?
- Should H2S continue?
Transition Leaders
The transition programme, led by Mrs McBride, is now well underway for our ‘new Year 7’ students who will be joining us in September and its fantastic to see over 90 students applied to be a Transition Leader to support current Year 6 students with their move to NLS. Over the coming weeks some of these students will be returning to their old Primary School to meet with Year 6 students alongside supporting specific in-school activities in the lead up to September. I am sure they will continue to represent NLS in an exemplary manner and pass on some pertinent advice to the younger students given their experiences across this year.
Numeracy Day
On Wednesday 22 May, students took part in the National Numeracy Day via their science lessons by completing an entry into the Number Heroes competition, a nationally funded event with prizes for the winners from each age category. The aim was to get students to think about how numeracy would be used in their dream job, by creating a short piece of writing with a drawing to support.
In addition, students completed a ‘Reading Out Loud’ literacy activity at the start of each lesson on the day, finding out how Shakespeare used numeracy in his life and work.
Year 7 continue to enjoy success in the sporting world. Firstly huge congratulations to the U13 Girls Football team who won The District Girls Cup final against Stratford High. The final saw NLS come away with a well-deserved 2- 0 victory. Well done to all the girls who played for the team in the final and in the previous rounds.
The Year 7 Boys football team (which also includes two girls from the U13 girls team ) have achieved the League and Cup double! After securing the Division 1 title earlier in the season with an unbeaten record they were also victorious in the District Cup final, beating Stratford 1-0. Congratulations!
There have been a variety of sporting activities for Year 7 to be involved in throughout the summer term with Rounders, Cricket, Athletics, Softball all on offer and with Tennis starting after half term. I hope students are enjoying these sports and maybe trying something new.
Rewards and celebration:
As ever celebrating achievements is one of the most pleasurable aspect of our roles so a huge congratulations goes to the all of the following students for their outstanding commitment to their school journey by having the highest number of rewards.
A fantastic total of 87,167 rewards has been accrued across the year group.
Well Done to the Top 10 students across the year group:
Upcoming events
Next half term opportunities for Year 7 students will continue with the Summer Rewards Event, Sports Day, College Assemblies Maths Bee and our Summer Music Concert.
We would like to take the opportunity to wish you a lovely, and, hopefully, sunny half term. As ever, we appreciate all the support parents and carers give to help support us in ensuring your children have the most successful journey through NLS.
Mrs Sarah Barley-Morey Mrs J McBride
AHT, Y7 Lead, CEIAG/Student Self Reflection Lead Senior Assistant Headteacher/IEN Faculty Lead