Year 7 Update - Spring Term

Dear Parents/Carers,
What a great term it has been for Year 7. Its really lovely to reflect on the continued progress and growing maturity of Year 7 and wonderful to see so many students getting involved in extra-curriculum events and student leadership opportunities.
It was fantastic to see and meet so many parents and carers who were able to attend the first Year 7 Subject Evening in January.
Tutor Curriculum
During Tutor Time students have been looking at Gaming, discussing the risks associated with it and the impact this can have on individuals and those around them.
They have also being exploring LGBTQ as part of History Month, apprenticeships as part of the Careers Curriculum, Mental Health as part of Mental Health Week, and have undertaken a project looking at the impact of child poverty, discrimination and conflict on a child’s education.
Literacy continues to be a key part of our tutor time curriculum to support the development of speaking and listening skills, and students have been developing these essential skills, as well as their understanding of the world around us, through discussion on the Newsround series.
The development of student leadership has come on leaps and bounds with many students enjoying the opportunity of leading tutor sessions with confidence, with other students taking on a variety of student leadership roles within their tutor group.
Thank you to all the Year 7 students who applied to be a Transition Leader for the incoming Year 6 students joining us at NLS and be a part of our transition programme. This is a wonderful opportunity for students to support younger children but also potentially have the opportunity to re-engage with their previous primary school. We’ve had a fantastic response and Mrs McBride will be making appointments after Easter.
I have really enjoyed following the continued sporting successes of our Year 7 students.
Following the boys football team winning the league title they have the opportunity to complete the double by reaching the final of the District Cup which will be in April. The girls football team remain unbeaten in the league and have reached the semi finals of the District Cup competition.
The Basketball team have been impressive in the new District League and the Netball team equally so recently finishing runners up in the District netball tournament.
Its been great to see Year 7 boys form part of the Year 7 &8 Rugby team rugby and enjoy matches gaining experience.
Earlier in the term Sebastian and Benedict were part of the team that qualified for the second round of the English National Squash Competition and although they didn’t progress it was lovely to hear how well they played.
Finally Lola and Zach represented NLS in the Warwickshire Inter schools Cross Country event with Lola then selected to represent Warwickshire at the ESAA National Championships.
Rewards and celebration:
Year 7 students continue to gain a fantastic number of reward points for positive behaviours in and out of the classroom. At the end of this term we held our Reward and Celebration events. Last Thursday the 30 students with the most rewards points within the year group were invited last week to a Rewards Celebration Event where they were treated to pizza and chips in the canteen.
In our end of term Celebration Assembly, we acknowledged a number of Year 7 students. Celebrating achievements is one of the most pleasurable aspect of our roles so a huge congratulations goes to the all of the following students for their outstanding commitment to their school journey by having the highest number of rewards.
The tables below show which students received certificates. All recipients should be extremely proud of their excellent efforts and high levels of engagement across this past term!
A fantastic total of 70212 rewards have been accrued across the year group.
Top ten students across the year group:
Top two Year 7 students in each College:
Well done to 7PK01 in the lead position with 8106 rewards. Well done to everyone and I am looking forward to seeing some new names next half TERM
Highest Achievement – this award recognises those students who are working above their target grades in the highest number of subjects.
Upcoming events
Whitemoor Lakes Trip 12-14 April.
It was lovely to welcome the parents/ carers into school yesterday evening for those students able to join us for the Whitemoor Lakes trip in April. We hope this was informative as to what the weekend will look like, and to share expectations and requirements, but if you have any further questions I can help with please do contact me. We look forward to what should be a fantastic experience for all involved.
After the Easter break we will continue to focus on uniform, attendance, punctuality and behaviour as we know these all impact on the outcomes for our young people. Tutors and support staff will continue to provide support to help guide Year 7 as they continue on their journey to being the very best versions of themselves.
We’d like to take this opportunity to wish you all a very Happy Easter.
Mrs Sarah Barley-Morey Mrs J McBride
AHT Y7 Lead, CEIAG/Student Self Reflection Lead Senior Assistant Headteacher/IEN Faculty Lead