Year 11 Update - Spring 2

During this half term in Tutor Time students have been revisiting their revision strategies and schedules based on their last mock exams. This has been a vital time in ensuring that they are adapting to meet the emerging needs they have identified.
After receiving their Data 2, students have been provided with the opportunity to reflect and complete a ‘Self-Reflection Review’ (formerly known as Learning Conversation), a process in which students analyse their own data and progress from their subjects and set themselves challenging yet achievable goals for the next term. Students have focused on one pastoral target and two subject specific targets and have been able to discuss this with teachers and should now have some SMART actions in order to help them to make progress.
In recognition of this period of time being a potentially very stressful period for many students, we have reintroduced the opportunity to look at stress busting activities that students can easily do in between revision. There is significant evidence that shows the importance of taking a break, allowing the brain to unwind, and then coming back to revision. Whether it is mindfulness colouring, yoga, taking a brisk walk, meditating, or doing a sport, it’s the break from the routine that can support the brain in remembering more.
Revision Sessions have been running for some time and it has been great seeing so many students attending. A highlight has been the ‘pop up pizza’ deliveries arrange by Mrs Barley-Morey and Mr Atkins – a just reward for commitment to learning.
Details of the sessions can be found on our website.
It’s worth remembering that for every 12 revision sessions students attend they can receive a professional photograph worth £6 for free at the prom – yet another incentive for going that extra mile to secure success in the summer.
In our end of term Celebration Assembly on the final day of term, a number of Year 11 students received certificates to acknowledge their achievements and successes from the Spring Term between Data 1 (November 2022) and Data 2 (March 2023), based on pupils’ efforts and for those who had made the most progress during this period.
Certificates were awarded across three categories to the top 2 students in each college:
- Achievement (progress against own targets)
- Attainment (highest average points scored)
- Most Reward Points
The tables below show which students received which certificates. All recipients should be extremely proud of their excellent efforts and high levels of engagement across this past term.
I’ve been delighted to take part in interviewing some of the Year 11 students wishing to move on to NLS Sixth Form. It has been a fantastic opportunity to find out even more about the students that have been in my care since Year 9, and I have been impressed with the wide range of activities that they take part in, from equestrian eventing, golf, kayaking, performing, football and singing in a baroque choir.
Students have been uploading their preferred offer for a September placement in their droves with half of the year group already having completed the Microsoft form. The offer can be a real reminder and incentive of why they are working so hard. It’s great to see such a diverse range of opportunities that Year 11 are striving for next year.
The Prom and Year Book committee continue to meet. Students should have completed their quotes and their nominations for a variety of student and teacher awards. We will also be looking at menus and decorations with the venue in the first few weeks after the Easter holidays.
One more half term left before Year 11 spread their wings, one more push to make those gains towards securing the very best for themselves.
As always we are both on hand to support in any way that we can during this final few weeks.
Mrs Sarah Barley-Morey Mr Matt Atkins
AHT Y11 Lead, CEIAG/Learning Conversation Lead Senior Assistant Headteacher