Year 11 Update - Autumn 2

As we reach the end of another eventful half-term, it is a great opportunity to reflect upon and celebrate the progress Year 11 students are making. With two sets of mock exams under their belts, along with Year 11 Subject Evening, and the recent release of Data 1, students will have a clear idea of the progress they are making and where they can continue to improve. It has also been great to see a wide range of students engaging positively with all aspects of school life, including students taking part in the Winter Music Concert, our Remembrance Service, extra-curricular clubs, as well as attending charity events such as NLS Does X Factor.
Remembrance Day
On Friday 10 November, our NLS community gathered for our annual Remembrance Service. I wanted to take this opportunity to congratulate our fantastic students who took on key roles during the service as part of the wreath laying ceremony (Zach W, Tyler C, Alex C, Laurie F)
Christmas – Charity and Community
As part of the lead up to Christmas, our Year 11 tutor groups have taken part in the Community Christmas Hamper initiative. It was wonderful to see students considering who they felt were most in need of these hampers and how they could bring joy to members of their community. The students decided on a range of recipients, including local care homes. Students were also invited to wear their Christmas Jumpers on Friday 15th December and it was fantastic to see so many students joining in and raising money for Save the Children Charity. Donations can still be made via parentpay until 8 January.
Tutor Curriculum
During our tutor time sessions this half-term, Year 11 students have predominantly been in their DTTR (Diagnose, Reflect, Review Therapy) blocks where they have been provided the opportunity and support to develop in different subject areas. The focus of this half-term’s PSHE sessions have been based around “Staying Safe”, where tutors and students have delivered sessions relating to topics such as Staying Safe at Festivals, Passenger Safety, Drugs, and Virtual Reality.
Finally, students had the chance to prepare and experience a mock interview with a local employer. It was a pleasure to see our students conduct themselves with such maturity. The providers conducting the interviews couldn’t speak highly enough about how impressed they were with the calibre of the students, with many commenting on how well prepared the students were and how inspirational it was to hear some of their stories, achievements and ambitions. Prior to this, students had an assembly to explain the process, as well as tutor time sessions to discuss how to dress to impress, investigate importance of body language and prepare answers to key interview questions. Each student has received personalised feedback and, hopefully, will have a further opportunity to reflect on how to improve their interview technique.
As always, we concluded the term with reward and celebration events. The 50 students with the most rewards points within the year group were invited to a Rewards Celebration Event where pupils were treated to popcorn and a showing of the Christmas classic film Elf in the lecture theatre.
In our end of term Celebration Assembly, a number of Year 11 students received certificates to acknowledge their achievements and successes from the Autumn Term between Data 1 (September to December 2023).
Certificates were awarded across three categories to the top 2 students in each college:
- Achievement (progress against own targets)
- Attainment (highest average points scored)
- Most Reward Points
The tables below show which students received which certificates. All recipients should be extremely proud of their excellent efforts and high levels of engagement across this past term!
The top 10 students with the most reward points are:
After School Revision
To continue the support for students in the build-up for their summer exams, each subject will be allocated an after-school revision slot which students will be encouraged to attend. This will begin from week beginning 29 January 2024, and will be shared with students prior to this.
February Mock Exams
The final round of mock exams will take place over a 2-week period in February 2024 (week beginning 5 February and 19 February), with half term in between. As with previous mock exams, students will receive a copy of the exam timetable, along with their individual exam timetable with information such as seat numbers prior to them starting.
Year 11 Subject Evening
It was great to see so many of you at this month’s Subject Evening. I hope you found it beneficial to receive feedback on how your child is doing, and what they can do to improve. The next Year 11 Subject Evening is on Monday 18 March 2024, which will provide another valuable opportunity to see how your child is progressing with their summer exams approaching. I will write to you nearer the time to remind you of the process of making appointments.
Application Deadline to join the NLS Sixth Form
A reminder that applications to join our Sixth Form for September 2024 are open and for those who have children looking to join, we welcome their application. The application form can be found here - Also available here, are the entry requirements for each course. The closing date for applications is 19 January 2024.
Prom and Year Book
Students are aware that there are some criteria that they will need to meet in order to secure their place at both the End of Year Assembly and the Prom. The overwhelming majority of students are already showing all the right behaviours to ensure they don’t miss out. Mr Atkins and I will be letting parents/carers know of any students that are at risk in the New Year.
Information regarding the Year 11 Year Book will be shared with students, parents and carers next term. Students will get this through Monday’s Core Communication during tutor time, as well as assemblies and tasks set on Go4School, and I’ll write to parents/carers regarding information on how to purchase one for your child in due course.
When students return to school in January, there will be 10 school weeks (49 school days) until the first official exam of the exam season. I really hope students use the Christmas holiday for a well-earned rest, and begin the New Year well prepared for the final push. Tutors, teaching staff, support staff and myself will be on hand to support students where necessary, so please contact us if you feel we can assist your child in any way. Student uniform, attendance and punctuality will continue to be a key focus next term as, along with uniform, these World Class Basics really do have an impact on student achievement.
Finally, I would like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Mr. Butler
Head of Year 11