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Year 10 Update - Summer 1

As we come to the end of the penultimate term, I would like to take the opportunity to reflect on the activities and events of the past few weeks within Year 10.

Year 10 students have conducted themselves in a fantastic manner during their first two GCSE RE examinations. I have been really impressed with how punctual and organised students were, along with their uniform and equipment, resulting in complete focus on the exam ahead. These good habits will undoubtedly stand students in good stead for future exams.

A reminder of the support available with two remaining revision sessions before their final RE exam, Paper 3.


Half term

All students will be set a 1 hour Islam past paper to complete over half term 

Wednesday  4 June


Islam (Beliefs and Practices)


Thursday 5 June


Islam (Beliefs and Practices)


GCSE RE Exam Paper 3

  • Friday 7 June (am) – Component 3 – Islam (1 hour)

A reminder for students in all exams, when completing the front page of the exam:

  • Use your full name e.g Benjamin –Do not use a shortened version of your name e.g Ben
  • Use your Legal Name - Do not use a preferred first or surname 
  • Use both parts of a legal double barrelled name-
  • Ensure you are getting your surname and first name the right way round

GCSE Results Day Year 10

GCSE results day is on Thursday 22 August 2024. We will post home RE GCSE results that day however, if any students would prefer to collect their result in person they can do this at 9:15am from school. Results can only be collected by the student themselves.

Year 10 Equipping Parents/Carers to Support their Child Evening

It was lovely to see some of you at the Year 10 Equipping Parents/Carers to Support their Child evening in April. The evening consisted of strategies and tips for parents and carers to support their child with during exam periods. With the final exams a year away, the focus is getting students into good habits now, and enabling students to be prepared for exams, whether they be mock exams, or the final GCSE examinations. It was also beneficial for parents/carers to recognise the demands going to be placed on students, with leaders from English, Maths, Science and RE speaking about their respective subjects, but also recognising that students also undertake other subjects which have examinations as part of their assessment process.

It was also lovely to see so many parents and carers as well as students at the Year 10 Subject Evening and have the opportunity to welcome you into school. We hope you found it useful to hear and discuss the feedback from your child's subject teachers on their progress at this key time in their GCSE studies.

Tutor Time

The main focus of tutor time this half term has been preparing for the GCSE RE exams, where students have been given the opportunity to apply the revision strategies that were previously delivered to them. Students also experienced sessions based around Drugs and Crime, with sessions focussing on topics such as Peer Pressure, Gangs and County Lines. Students continue to enjoy the Career’s Job of the Week section of tutor time which has covered roles as a Herbalist, Illustrator, Judge, Learning Disability Nurse, Make-up artist and Newspaper Journalist this half term

Reward Points

I am pleased to report that Aditya is topping the Rewards Table this half term (at the time of writing!).

This is a brilliant accomplishment and demonstrates that she has been consistent in her outstanding approach to learning. Working well in lessons, resilience, student leadership, literacy and excellent attendance are just a few of the reasons why she has managed to achieve so many points.

Congratulations to Aditya, along with the students detailed below, who have made the “Top 10” Year 10 students for reward points this half term – excellent work!








Year 10 Work Experience

I hope students are looking forward to completing their work experience starting on 10 June 2024. Completing work experience is an excellent opportunity to develop knowledge and skills ahead of entering a career within a particular industry. The experience can also prove valuable when applying for courses, training and jobs by helping them stand out from a crowd.

It is important that students start to make contact with their placement regarding working hours and what attire they should wear. All students will be also be issued with a work booklet that they should complete whilst on their work experience placement and used for reflection when they return to school following work experience week.

If you have any queries about work experience, please email

Year 10 Progression Exams

Year 10 Progression exams will commence week beginning 24 June 2024. Please see below for the exam schedule.

  • Students will receive a personalised timetable with seat numbers and rooms on during prior to these exams.
  • Morning exams – students go to the canteen at 8:45am.
  • Afternoon exams – students to report to the canteen at 12:50pm.
  • The exception to this is Art, Photography and Textiles where students should go straight to the classroom stated.
  • Equipment/rules for mock examinations need to be followed as if they are formal examinations.
  • All students not in an exam will go to normal lessons. These may need to be re-roomed in some cases and this information will be sent out via tutors and placed on the exam noticeboards.
  • Once an assessment is complete and students are dismissed, they should return to their normal timetabled lesson or break.


To support students for these exams, and prepare them for life in Year 11, there will be a slight change to their timetable as of Monday 24 June, resulting in students having their lunch after period 3 (rather than after period 4). This will remain in place until the end of the academic year.

Message to Parents and Carers

With us approaching the final half term of the year, I have been really impressed with the attitude and positive approach students have adopted at this crucial point of their NLS journey. This time next year, students will have begun the formal GCSE exam window and will have sat a number of their final exams. It is therefore imperative that students maintain a positive attitude towards their lessons, seek support where necessary, and make the most of the opportunities available to them to have a successful remaining 12 months. I would also like to take this opportunity to thank you all for your continued support this half term and I hope you feel your child continues to be supported and guided to achieve, but more importantly, to enjoy school life at NLS.

Have a safe and happy half term.

Mr. Butler
Year 10 Lead