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Year 10 Update - Spring Term

Despite this term being a relatively short term, it has been extremely eventful nonetheless. The conduct of students during the February RE mock exam was outstanding with very positive feedback being provided by our exam invigilators. This is really pleasing to hear as excellent behaviour during the exam season will provide students every possible chance of doing their best. It was also really pleasing to hear how Year 10 students conducted and applied themselves during the Careers Fair in January, where students had the opportunity to engage with around 30 external education and employer providers. This will hopefully have given students some guidance around their post-16 options by becoming aware of local colleges, sixth form, and training providers.

In addition to the controlled assessments and coursework currently being undertaken in a range of GCSE subjects, students have also had opportunities to experience broader themes relating to personal development and wider opportunities such as the recent Loudmouth Production students attended. As part of our PSHE programme and the current topics of online safety and healthy relationships, Year 10 students saw a theatre production this half term called ‘Calling It Out’ by Loudmouth Theatre productions. The programme uses drama, followed by discussion workshops to help students develop their understanding of harmful sexual behaviours, sexual harassment and assault.

End of Term Celebrations

As always, we concluded the Spring term with a couple of rewards and celebrations. The 30 students with the most rewards points within the year group were invited to a Rewards Celebration Event where pupils were treated to pizza and chips in the canteen.


In our end of term Celebration Assembly, a number of Year 10 students received certificates to acknowledge their achievements and successes from the Spring Term between Data 1 (November 2023) and Data 2 (March 2024), based on students’ efforts and for those who had made the most progress during this period.

Certificates were awarded across three categories to the top 2 students in each college:

  • Achievement (progress against own targets)
  • Attainment (highest average points scored)
  • Most Reward Points

The tables below show which students received which certificates. All recipients should be extremely proud of their excellent efforts and high levels of engagement across this past term!

Tutor Time Curriculum

The focus of this half term has been Revision Strategies aimed at helping students understand how the brain works when attempting to remember and recall information. Sessions are based upon research based concepts, and included techniques such as Interleaving, Cognitive Load Theory, Chunking, and use of Flashcards.  The aim is to give students a better understanding of the importance of revision, and feel confident in their revision strategies when preparing for assessments within their GCSE subjects, particularly with the upcoming RE, Spanish and Music exams.

During the final two weeks of term during tutor time, students developed their understanding of ‘Apprenticeships’, along with Digital Literacy sessions, where students were provided with top tips when using internet search engines. Examples included using the ‘Advanced Search’ function, as well as ‘Mindful Practice’, which refers to being aware and intentional about how we engage with technology. Students were encouraged to develop their ‘mindful’ technology practice by setting clear intentions, minimising distractions, maintaining good posture, tracking screen time and taking regular breaks.

A reminder of the RE GCSE dates and the revision sessions we have put in place to support students in the final run up now to these exams

  • Thursday 9 May 2024 (AM) – Component 1 Themes (2 hour)
  • Thursday 16 May 2024 (PM) – Component 2 – Christianity (1 hour)
  • Friday 7 June 2024 (AM) – Component 3 – Islam (1 hour)

RE Revision Timetable:

Year 10 have been busy finding their work experience placements. It’s been great hearing about the range of businesses that they are going to be attending including Veterinary practices, London medical consultancies, electrical installations and Warwick University.

It’s important to remember that the placement is to allow students to have an opportunity to experience the world of work and may well not be the end professions that they want to move on to.

For those that have yet to get been able to secure their placement, Easter is a great time to invest some time contacting businesses and uploading the details to our on-line careers platform Grofar (students have received their invite on their school email, and instructions of how to upload on Go4schools.) The next deadline is 12 April for securing and uploading placement details onto the Grofar platform.

If you require any support, or have any queries, please contact the Careers team at

Upcoming Dates for your Diaries
Year 10 Revision Evening - Wednesday 10 April 

A reminder the Year 10 Revision Evening, focusing on equipping parents to support their child on revision is on Wednesday 10 April from 5.45pm (6.00pm start) until 7.00pm.  
Presentations from Mr Atkins and the subject leaders for Maths, English, Science and RE will all contribute with valuable information to support the preparation to be successful in these subjects. The evening aims to provide guidance and support to help your child be more successful in terminal examinations and we look forward to seeing you.

Year 10 Subject Evening - Monday 15 April 
A letter regarding the Year 10 Subject Evening was sent last week. This will take place face-to-face in school and is a great opportunity to receive feedback from your child’s subject teachers on their progress, and what they can do to improve. It is also encouraged that students attend to hear what is going well, and where improvements can be made. All bookings for subject evening will be via SchoolCloud. Appointments can be made until Monday 15 April at 9am.

As we complete the second term of the year, I want to acknowledge and applaud all of the students who continue to sustain their motivation, commitment and determination to their schoolwork. The hard work that has already been put in and is continuing to be put in now will certainly stand students in good stead: they will undoubtedly be rewarded for this consistency as they progress through their GCSE subjects. Finally, I’d like to thank all parents and carers for their continued support over the past few weeks - I wish you all a very happy Easter break!

Mr Butler
Year 10 Lead