Year 10 Update -Spring 1

Year 10 students have returned to school after the Christmas period displaying an impressive and pleasing attitude towards their learning. It has been great to see students adapt to the increasing demands of their GCSE subjects, with them now experiencing mock exams, controlled assessments and coursework that will contribute to their subjects’ overall grade.
Tutor Time and Assemblies
The theme for this half term’s tutor time curriculum has been Violence, Crimes and Seeking Safety and sessions have covered topics such as Honour Based Violence, Forced Marriages and Breast Ironing, Online Gambling, Social Media Validation, and Keeping Data Safe.
Students have also taken in sessions linked to National Children’s Mental Health Week, with this year’s theme being “Let’s Connect”. This theme encourages an inclusive approach to making meaningful connections for all as it is recognised that if our need for connection is not met, this can result in us feeling lonely and isolated. Students were reminded that our Student Support team consisting of Stef Parkins (Mental Health Lead) and Lulu (Therapy Dog) are on hand in school to support students if needed, and the website Kooth which offers free, safe and confidential support regarding mental health.
During the final week of term, students experienced sessions on National Apprenticeship week where the question of ‘What is an Apprenticeship?’ was explored. This built upon information shared with parents/carers regarding work experience, as well as an assembly led by Mrs. Barley-Morey which provided students with further information regarding work experience.
Further assemblies have been delivered to students with the upcoming mock RE exam in mind, to ensure pupils are as best prepared for their final RE exams in May and June this year. Mr Atkins, Mrs. McGwinn, Mr Lowdell and I have all addressed students through assemblies to remind them of exam preparation tips, as well as RE specific tips, to ensure students are in the best place possible to achieve their potential during formal assessments.
The below information is a summary of the key messages students received relating to examinations:
On the day of the exam |
In the exam room |
Behaviour in exams |
We hope all students have understood what is expected on them in terms of their conduct, and what measures they can take to ensure they give themselves the best possible chance of being successful. The sooner students get in to good habits, the easier they will find it to manage what is understandably a taxing and demanding period.
Key Dates for the Diary
Year 10 Subject Evening – Monday 27th February 2023
Year 10 Revision Evening – Wednesday 19th April 2023
Year 10 RE Exam- Paper 1 (Themes): Monday 15th May 2023,
Paper 2 (Christianity): Tuesday 23rd May 2023,
Paper 3 (Islam): Tuesday 6th June 2023
Student Reward Points
The following students are in the top 10 for the most reward points gained since we returned after the Christmas break:
Name |
Tutor Group |
Ethan H |
10BW01 |
Dhruv M |
10MR02 |
Fabian s |
10CT01 |
Lucas RL |
10MR02 |
Dan F |
10BD02 |
Dexter K |
10BW01 |
Avneet R |
10BW01 |
Dylan B |
10BW01 |
Alex H |
10MR02 |
Isa P |
10CT01 |
This is an excellent accomplishment as this recognises outstanding consistency in all aspects of school life.
Student attendance is a whole-school focus this year and recently there has been a specific emphasis on students whose attendance is less than 90%. As a Year 10 pastoral team, a number of Year 10 students are being supported and monitored in an attempt to increase their attendance to above 90%. These students typically have an attendance percentage currently between 80-92%. Throughout the rest of this academic year, tutors and support staff will work with these identified students to ensure their attendance increases. We ask for your continued support with ensuring school attendance is a key focus for the remainder of the year.
Message to Parents and Carers
As we are now over half way through the year, on behalf of the Year 10 Tutor Team, I would like to express our appreciation for all of your support so far this year. It is a real pleasure to work with you and support your child. I hope you have a lovely half-term break and I look forward to seeing you at the upcoming Subject Evening.
Mr Butler