Year 11 Update- Summer 1

As I sit down to write my final Parent Bulletin as Year 11 lead, I would firstly like to take the opportunity to say a huge congratulations to all the Year 11 students making it through to the end of the year, especially given the challenges of the last 2 ½ years. Although I appreciate a number of students will be joining us for another 2 years in sixth form, I hope the last few weeks the students are together as a year group are memorable.
During the first couple of weeks of examinations, it has been fantastic to see the positive approach all students have shown so far. Whilst there have been obvious anxieties and worries, the determination and resilience on display has been fantastic to see. The continued focus and work ethic of students has continued to be excellent both in lessons and through after school revision sessions throughout this half term. This has been highlighted by the huge number of signatures, potentially the most ever, on students’ ‘Passport to the Prom’ tracking cards. I am sure students will continue to make productive use of their time now study leave has formally begun and continue to make best use of all the resources available to them in the final few weeks and days of exam preparation.
Celebration Day on Friday 1 July probably seems a long way off for the students at the moment, but final plans are coming together to ensure the goodbye to Year 11 students will be an experience they will remember. Leavers’ hoodies, prom tickets and yearbooks have been available to purchase via ParentPay over recent weeks and it is great to see the really high uptake with all of these. It is always a fantastic time once the stresses of the exams are over and students can look ahead to an extended summer break and exciting opportunities on the horizon in whichever post-16 pathway they have chosen.
Finally, I would like to say a huge thank you to all parents and carers for your support throughout these last 5 years, but particularly over the last 2 1/2 with all the adaptations and unique challenges that have befell the year group. I firmly believe that the tough times they have gone through will stand them all in good stead moving forward in life and you should be incredibly proud of the wonderful individuals they have become. Before signing off, I would like to say a final good luck to all the Year 11 students and I look forward to seeing them all for the Celebration Day and Results day in the summer.
Take care
Mr Foxon