Sixth Form Update - Summer 1

I hope this update finds you well and you are looking forward to the May half-term break…
Enrichment – including Duke of Edinburgh
Thanks to Mr Barrett and the staff team who, following on from the practice event in March, recently led an daring team of Sixth Form students on their D.of.E Gold Expedition in Bannau Brycheiniog National Park (formerly known as the Brecon Beacons). Learning all sorts of outdoor skills in a beautiful environment, the students also engaged in team-building and the spiritual enrichment opportunity available to them.
What has been especially laudable is that some of our Sixth Form DoE-ers have now also served as volunteers on the main school Bronze and Silver expeditions – a real sense of community spririt, continuity and progress in evidence.
Our wider Enrichment Programme continues to provide excellent opportunities and we will look to reinvigorate this even more in 2024-25.
Elsewhere, we were delighted to hear that many of our terrific Sixth Form boys were involved in the team which won the county championship in Rugby!
On a final, enrichment-based note, it was wonderful to have Sam from Year 13 involved in this year’s Ski Trip.
Sam was a great role-model for younger students and effectively functioned as a volunteer, such was his enthusiasm to support others.
Well done, Sam – a great example of Sixth Form students being part of the wider community.
Year 12 Subject Evening
It was lovely to see so many parents and carers in attendance and this half-term’s Year 12 Subject Evening: it’s always a pleasure to see people and to cement the crucial relationship between student, home and staff. In terms of parental feedback on our perennial Parent Evening questions, please see the summary below and, beneath that, some response to your responses:
It is really heartening to see that all respondents would recommend NLS to others, that 100% feel their child does well and, in particular, that the perception is that every student is happy and safe at NLS.
n terms of feedback:
- In relation to #5, please recall from previous that you can always contact the Sixth Form team directly or individual subjects/teachers as well as consult the links below: - The curriculum pages have a wealth of information on each of the subjects we offer. You can view individual subject learning journeys by clicking on each and subject; these detail visually each topic covered throughout Year 12 & 13 and more detailed curriculum overviews can be found in links under the learning journey.
- In relation to #11 and #12, we continue to review what we can offer in terms of wider opportunities (see above) and an enhanced formal curriculum offer (i.e. more subjects where staffing and other considerations allow).
Thanks again for all the huge positives as well as the constructive feedback.
Curriculum, Data and Rewards
In terms of the tutor time curriculum, recent coverage has focused on the transition to life beyond NLS (Year 13) and Work Experience (Year 12); the latter for Year 12 being an opportunity which should support the former (next steps beyond Sixth Form) in a year’s time! Elsewhere, and with reference to the discrete P.S.H.E. lessons offered, students have been exploring politics (Year 13) and health and wellbeing (Year 12).
Data 2 has now been shared and we are pleased that in both year groups students are broadly in line with previous cohorts at the same point in the year – given that the data we consult is relative, this is a positive indication that we hope to be on track for more excellent outcomes that place us in the very top percentiles nationally for both attainment (headline results) and progress (how far we move students on from their starting points).
For efforts in tutor time, across lessons and in school in general, students are accruing many rewards points in Sixth Form – which is great to see. With their College affiliation noted, here are the Top 10 in each year:
Year 12 Year 13
Well done to these Top Ten students and to all of those who are so committed to their studies and to school life here at NLS.
Year 13 Leavers’ Day
It was a bitter-sweet moment on Wednesday 8 May as we bade farewell to our terrific Year 13 students. With Fancy Dress linked to the theme “Past and Future”, we enjoyed a ‘soiree’ – if that’s possible mid-morning! – in the Common Room followed by an extended assembly which celebrated all the things achieved in the past and present before using this as a platform for looking to the exciting futures which await. We finished our day with ice cream and a group photo at the front of school. The sun shone down and is a reflection we are sure of all the many positives to come…
We wish them all the very best for their exams and look forward to celebrating post exams at their prom on Monday 2 July
- Future Pathways (including UCAS) Launch on Wednesday 19 June.
- Year 12 Progression exams starting on Monday 24 June
- Work experience 8 to 12 July.
- Summer Rewards Event: Monday 15 July
- Alternative Year 12 Sports Day: Wednesday 17 July
Induction Day Thursday 11 July for Year 11 Students with a conditional offer to join our Sixth Form
Year 11 applicants to join the Sixth Form have been emailed a conditional offer on Thursday 21 March.
Information regarding induction day which takes place on Thursday 11 July and enrolment which will take place on GCSE results day, will follow shortly so please do look out for this.
During the Induction day, students will have an opportunity to meet the Sixth Form Team and their prospective peers, experience taster lessons and team building activities. They will also be able to orientate themselves around some of the dedicated the Sixth Form areas. We will send more details out nearer the event and we look forward to seeing students there .
In the meantime we wish Year 11 students all the very best for their GCSE & BTEC exams over the next few weeks. We are excited for those joining in September 2024 and supporting them through their final two years of study and helping them to prepare for their future after NLS.
On behalf of myself, the Sixth Form Team and the school, have a terrific May/Whitsun half-term and I look forward to welcoming students back after the break – where Year 12 effectively will have become the new Year 13 and when we begin to preparations for the imminent arrival of a new cohort of students
All of our students (whether outgoing, incoming or making the step up a year) will, I am sure, continue to make NLS Sixth Form a great community.
S A Taylor
Senior Assistant-Head-teacher (inc. Head of Sixth Form)