Sixth Form Update- Summer 1

Sixth Form students have had a very positive term in Summer 1. The year 12 have established good routines working in their study periods and ensuring they are getting themselves prepared for the end of year exams. Year 13 have had a great last few weeks at NLS and it’s lovely to see so many back in working incredibly hard during their exam period. Here are a few of the things that we’d like to celebrate and share this half term.
Year 13 Leavers Day
On Friday 13 May we celebrated our Year 13 students leaving us as they start their exams. Students joined us for breakfast in the morning, allowing us all to admire each other’s fancy dress, of which the theme was ‘characters’. After their final two lessons at NLS, students enjoyed a final tutor time, sharing stories and memories with their tutor group. We then went into the theatre for their final celebration assembly where students' pictures of themselves in Year 7 flashed up, along with pictures throughout their time at NLS.
Awards were given for ‘most likely to’ nominated by the tutors and the Sixth Form team and student awards were presented based on students' own votes. The Senior student leaders shared a heartfelt goodbye and then we all enjoyed ice cream outside. The Year 13 students were respectful and seemed to really enjoy their final day, thank you to everyone for making it so special!
Blue Day for Prostate Cancer
On Thursday 27 April our Sixth Form students organised and ran a very successful ‘Blue Day’ to raise money and awareness for prostate cancer, raising £186.42 with a cake sale. This was paired with an external speaker who spoke to students in assembly about how to spot signs and support those affected.