PE - Autumn Update 2

It has been amazing to see so many students getting involved with the variety of different clubs and fixtures that have been available this term. Our clubs have been well attended with fantastic sportsmanship and behaviour along with fantastic results. Our newest club, Volleyball, has proved hugely popular and we are delighted to now be able to offer this additionally to Year 9 students. Alongside our sporting clubs, 114 students have signed up to participate in the Duke of Edinburgh Scheme we are able to offer here at NLS, which is a record number.
Of special mention are the three teams from NLS that competed at the National Squash Championship with one of our teams coming first and qualifying for the next round! Paulina S (Year 8) and Maisie C 's (Year 9) selection to represent the U14 Warwickshire Schools Football team this academic year; a brilliant achievement for both girls and four students took part in the Warwickshire Schools U18 Team Table Tennis Championships. You can read more about these achievements in the half term reports for all of our sports clubs.
Half Term Teacher Reports
Squash National Championship – Miss Watkins
During November we were fortunate to enter some of our students into the National Squash Championships held at at Solihull School. We entered 2 KS3 teams and 1 KS4 team and were drawn against King Edwards School, Solihull School and ourselves in the KS3 draw and against Solihull School and Truro School in the KS4 draw. All students played with fantastic enthusiasm, resilience and sportsmanship in all of their games and were a credit to NLS.
A special shout out is in order for the KS4 team who finished on a total of 324 out of a possible 330 points, only dropping 6 points throughout the whole tournament!! With this fantastic result they have qualified for the next round - more information regarding this to follow from England Squash.
KS3 A Team: Sam C, Thomas H, Will E, Heidi C & Jenson B
KS3 B Team: Sam E, Toby V, Hannah D, Domonic K & Anais S
KS4 Team: James L, Sam C, Sam E, Charlotte P & Jacob E
KS4 – 1st with 324 points
KS3 A – 3rd with 334 points
KS3 B – 4th with 282 points
The students and I would like to thank Steve and Jason from the Leamington Lawn Tennis & Squash Club for their support in selecting the teams and coaching throughout the tournaments.
Netball – Miss Usen & Miss Watkins
Netball club continues to see over 60 students regularly attending each week across all year groups. This half term we have had a large amount of fixtures and all league games have now been played – keep an eye out to see if we have made it through to the Cup or Plate semi-finals (fingers crossed)!
Our Year 11 and Year 10 teams have played in their netball tournament where the Year 11s came 3rd in the A pool and unfortunately the Year 10 tournament had to be postponed half way through due to bad weather.
Year 9, Year 8 and YeaR 7 teams will have their tournaments after Christmas, dates TBC.
During all fixtures students across all teams have shown great respect, sportsmanship and teamwork skills.
League Results:
Cross Country – Mr Beese & Mr Guilfoyle
Saturday 5th November 2022 saw the return of the Warwickshire Inter Area Cross Country Meeting at Stratford upon Avon School. This event was open for any student to enter and we were extremely pleased with the turnout of students from NLS.
We would like to say a massive well done to all of the students that participated despite the not so pleasant weather!
Year 10 Boys Football – Mr Butler
With the Year 10 football trip to Spain on the horizon, there continues to be excellent enthusiasm and passion from Year 10 boys to attend extra-curricular football club, with over 40 students attending the most recent club. Those who have attended recent after school clubs, and represented the school in fixtures against other schools, have conducted themselves in an exemplary fashion, showing outstanding effort, commitment and sportsmanship to each other and opposing teams.
Year 9 Football – Mr Beese
Our Year 9 football team have completed their domestic football season with a highly respectable record of P5, W4, D0, L1 GD15, and have reached the semi-finals of the District Cup. Our Year 9 boys will meet Kenilworth School on Thursday 16th February to complete for a place in the final and the right to retain their District Cup trophy won in Year 8.
Year 8 Football – Mr Sarwar
It was another brilliant half term for the Year 8 Football, both the club and school team have been very competitive. The Year 8s come with a brilliant attitude to every session, which is reflected in the performances we see. It was also wonderful to see such a strong turn out to the Year 8 college games with plenty of familiar faces turning up.
Year 7 Football – Mr Guilfoyle
Year 7 football has been a great success with regards to the number of pupils representing the school, as well as numbers to training. This has led to winning all but one game. We are waiting to find out when we will play the semi-final for the Cup which I am very much looking forward to. The ability and attitude of all students that have represented the school has been amazing and this has meant the moral and ethos of the team has created a buzz around school in the year!
Girls Football – Mr Beese
Girls football continues to go from strength to strength, with excellent numbers turning out for weekly training each Thursday afterschool. Both our U13 & U15 teams have competed in small-sided tournaments at Myton this half-term, whilst our U14 girls team competed in the first round of the nationals at the end of September.
Our U14 girls competed in the first round of the ESFA Girls U14 PlayStation Schools’ Cup for the first time in a number of years. Unfortunately the girls were on the end of a 5-1 defeat to a strong Stratford upon Avon School however, they gave a brilliant account of themselves vs a team who reached the semi-finals of the competition last academic year.
Two players from NLS – Paulina S (Year 8) and Maisie C (Year 9) have both been selected to represent the U14 Warwickshire Schools team this academic year; a brilliant achievement for both girls!
Paulina was called up for selection for the opening round of the ESFA Girls U14 Inter-County Cup vs Oxfordshire. The team put on an excellent display as the team cruised to a 4-0 victory courtesy of two goals from our own Paulina!
The Warwickshire team will take on Surrey on 14th January in the quarter-finals at Stratford Town FC.
Our U13, U14 & U16 girls all have District Cup fixtures to look forward to in the New Year vs Nicholas Chamberlain, Shottery Girls Grammar and Kenilworth school.
Rugby – Mr Guilfoyle
Rugby club has grown considerably especially since the tournaments a couple of weeks ago (unfortunately some of these were postponed and will be rescheduled.) The numbers of students attending after school training has been great with the sessions based around fun and enjoyment as well as lots of games to help pupils that haven't had any experience playing rugby and those who have done so for years. We would like to attract even more students who would like to give it a try so we can arrange rugby friendlies with other schools.
After leaving the club covered in mud pupils have come back for more. We would like to start using the full rugby pitch that the school has to emulate a real game, including the posts, allowing students to get a real feel of how fun and enjoyable rugby can be.
Table Tennis – Mr Beese
We would like to give a big well done to the following students: Daniel S, Long NG, Houdini L and Oliver L for participating in the Warwickshire Schools U18 Team Table Tennis Championships. Unfortunately they lost 2-6 to Tudor Grange but the boys played with fantastic sportsmanship, resilience and commitment. We would like to give a special shout out to Daniel for winning both of his matches – well done Daniel!
KS4 Volleyball – Ms Nastalek
Our new volleyball club run by Ms Nastalek and the Science department has been extremely popular and we have seen a great turn out each week. Originally open to Year 10 and Year 11 students, we would like to now expand the club and open it up to Year 9 students to join in and enjoy participating. We look forward to seeing you there!
Hockey – Mr Piper
Hockey club on a Wednesday has been increasing in popularity as the weeks progress. This club is open to all students of all ages from Year 7 – Year 13 and all abilities; no experience is needed! With a range of ages within the club, a great and inclusive atmosphere is created where students are able to learn from and support each other in developing their hockey skills. As the club continues to grow we are looking to organise both KS3 and KS4 fixtures against other local schools.
Dance – Miss Davis
A big thank you and well done to our Dance leaders Sophie B and Rosie R and dance students Lucy P and Scarlett B in Year 10 for supporting with KS3 Dance Club this term. They have worked hard to choreograph routines and have shown fantastic leadership skills through their teaching younger students. They have been excellent role models and the younger students have really enjoyed the choreography!
Well done to our KS3 Dance Club this term for your enthusiasm and commitment every week – hard work starts after Christmas with our Dance Recital 2023 preparation! See you in the New Year!!
College Sports
During November, students were invited to represent their college in our first College Sports event of the year. Year 10 Sports Leaders were tasked to put together a team for their college from Years 7 to 10 to compete in a football and netball tournament.
It was great to see so many students take part in this after-school event and represent their college and demonstrate excellent competitiveness and sportsmanship.
The results for each year group are as follows:
Upcoming KS3 Core Games Curriculum
Below is the core games curriculum for the next half term
Where students have Football or Tag Rugby in their core games curriculum in the upcoming half term it is likely that they will be on the field. Therefore, it is important that a change in footwear is brought for these lessons with a carrier bag to place muddy footwear in after the lesson.
Illness or Injury Protocols
It is an expectation that students participate in every games lesson. If students are suffering with an illness or recovering from injury they can still play a role in the lesson. This could be coaching other students, officiating, managing, or other non-physical tasks.
Students who are either injured or ill are expected to bring a written note from home excusing their participation and should bring their PE kit and change. By changing it allows the students to more easily access the lesson, whilst keeping their school uniform clean and dry should their group be undertaking an outdoors activity. If it is physically impossible to change due to a casted injury, the student will be excused from changing however, will still have a role to play in the lesson.
Y11 GCSE PE Practical Moderation – Mr Beese/ Mr Foxon
Each Tuesday after school the process of our GCSE PE Practical moderation will start in the new term. For each sport that each student is required to attend they will need to ensure that they are fully prepared in their full NLS PE kit and any additional equipment that they need to participate in the sport (e.g. football boots, shin pads etc.)
Please see the moderation schedule below. Students should speak to their class teacher to confirm whether they are required at each sport for moderation.
All moderations will take place 3:30pm – 4:45pm unless stated otherwise.
Extra-Curricular Clubs – Spring 1
Duke of Edinburgh – Mr Beese
We are delighted 114 pupils across Years 9, 10 and Sixth Form have signed up to undertake the Bronze or Silver Duke of Edinburgh Award (DofE) this academic year – a record number of pupils for North Leamington School and testament to the brilliant DofE programme run here.
Our pupils will need to complete modules in physical, skill and volunteering, before undertaking a summer qualifying expedition. Any pupil undertaking the award will need to dedicate many hours of their own time to complete each section successfully, whilst attending a number of afterschool training sessions.
For those on either the Bronze or Silver programme, all pupils should have completed their 3 programme planners on eDofE and commenced their sections.
For any issues or queries relating to DofE, please contact Mr Beese ( in the first instance.
Sign up for DofE at all eligible age groups has now closed for this year but information about how to undertake either Bronze or Silver Award will be released in September 2023.