Year 7 Poems selected to be published

We are delighted to share that, following a wider opportunities in English where Year 7 students had an opportunity to enter a Young Writers Competition, that 61 students have had their work selected to be published.
The Young Writers Competition is a national poetry competition which encouraged students to channel their creativity by writing a poem loosely based around the theme of Identity. This was in line with the recent module of Identity and Culture that our Year 7s have been studying.
The Young Writers anthology will be called ‘Through Their Eyes – Radiant Verses.’ This is a phenomenal achievement that we are extremely proud of, along with students developing their written literary and confidence throughout this experience.
Miss Fitzgerald, who ran the opportunity said, this is a phenomenal achievement that we are extremely proud of, with students developing their written literary and confidence throughout this experience. I am proud of every single student that has took part in the competition, whether published or not, as it demonstrates such an admirable commitment, perseverance and creativity.
We can’t wait to see student’s work published and in print with a copy in our library.