Year 7 Boys & Girls Football Teams win District Cup Finals
We are absolutely delighted to share the success of our Year 7 Boys and Girls Football teams this year which has culminated in both teams winning the District Cup Finals.
On Wednesday 19 April the Year 7 boy’s football team were crowed District Cup Champions in an extremely hard fought encounter with Stratford School. The goals were scored by Alfie C and Leo P in a 2-0 victory. Not only was the performance of the very highest level, students behaviour and interactions throughout the evening were exemplary. A huge congratulations to Mr Biddle, Mr Guilfoyle and all students involved throughout the year.
Our Year 7 girls football team were crowed District Cup Champions last Thursday (April 27). The girls played fantastically against a tough Stratford opposition successfully winning 3-2! All 3 goals came from Paulina, the teamwork sportsmanship and resilience they all showed was brilliant!
This is a fantastic result for both our teams and we are very proud of them all!
The future of sport at NLS is looking very strong