NEU Strike Information Years 11 to 13 in School on Wednesday 1 February - Read our Operating Plans for all Year Groups here
On Wednesday 1 February teachers of the National Education Union (NEU) can strike and therefore will not be available to attend school for work or set any work.
To ensure a safe working environment and, as far as possible, a productive learning day for all the following measures will be put in place:
- Students in Years 11,12 & 13 to attend school for normal lessons.
- Years 7-10 - students will be remote working from home, following their normal timetable, and set via Go4Schools - there will not be live TEAMs. There will be centrally set tasks available for any lesson where work is not set.
- We are encouraging students to check they can access Go4Schools before Wednesday.
- A small group of students in Years 7-10 have been invited into school and will be supported in Learning Support, Nuture or IT areas with TAs & pastoral support staff.
All students will then return to school on Thursday 2 February.
HPV Vaccinations
We will continue to support the delivery of vaccinations through the Warwickshire School Health Team taking place at school.
Year 10 students who have received a personal invite for their 2nd HPV vaccination can attend the school site on Wednesday 1st February between 10am-11am for their vaccination.
Year 9 students who are not seen by the vaccinations team on Tuesday 31st January will be invited in to school on Wednesday 1st February between 11am - 12 noon.
Students reporting for vaccinations are to go to the Sports Hall via the entrance to the Astroturf on the far side of the main car park.
A copy of Mr Lowdell's letter, to all parents and carers sent on Friday 27 January, detailing our operating plans is below