Update from Year 8- Autumn 1

The Year 8s return to school has been a massive success; the Year 8 team are really pleased the majority of students are wearing their uniform to a high standard, are engaged in their learning and show kindness to one another. This is a really important year for Year 8 as they will make their GCSE option choices later in the year, and we look forward to working with you to make this process a positive one for all students.
Tutor Time
This year has seen the commencement of year group tutoring in college groups. Students have settled in to their new groups with their tutors. It is pleasing that our tutor team remains the same as last year. We also welcomed Mrs Copeland and Mr Challice as new form tutors to Year 8, who are fantastic additions to the team!
This half-term Year 8 students have been exploring Law, Crime and Society within the tutor time curriculum. This has offered them an excellent opportunity to develop their student leadership and knowledge of these areas.
Student Leadership
As part of our Student Leadership provision, Year 8 students have had the opportunity to apply to be Rewards Leaders, International Leaders and Ambassadors. The applications were of a really high standard, and we now have over 60 student leaders in our year group. A massive well done to these students for taking the initiative to apply for these roles, it shows real commitment to school life.
Our whole school Open Evening saw over 80 Year 8 students supporting the evening. The students provided tours to visitors and helped out promoting the different subject areas in school. We were so proud of the way these students welcomed our visitors and represented North Leamington School. Lots of visitors commented on how polite and helpful the students were!
Summer B (8PK), Sam C (8BD), Riley F (8PK, ) Oscar H (8MR), Laura H (8PK), David S-C (8BW) and Mae W (8PK) all supported at the Year 7 Parent Information Evening. The students were amazing representatives. Sam, Laura and David were a real highlight of the evening. They all delivered fantastic speeches to the Year 7 parents who learnt all about their experiences of Year 7.
Rewards and Recognition
We are really pleased that Year 8 have over 12000 reward points so far this year! A massive well done to 8CT01, 8BW02 and 8PK01 who are the top Year 8 tutor groups. We are really proud of our top 10 students: Bethan B (8BW02), Mae H-S (8MR01), Naomi M (8BW02), Tilly T (8PK01), Gabby A (8BD01), David S-C (8BW02), Lola F (8PK01), Daisy G (8MR02), Oscar H (8MR02) and Kitty W (8CT01).
More information will follow with regard to the rewards process at school and how students will be rewarded.
It has been wonderful to see so many Year 8 students involved in extra-curricular opportunities since coming back to school in September. Students have been attending a range of clubs, such as a variety of sports clubs, Eco Club, Pride club and Sculpture Club. We really encourage all students to make the most of these opportunities, so please make sure you and your child look at the range of activities available. We were particularly proud of our Year 8 Boys’ Football Team who have won both of their games so far this year against other local secondary schools!
Next Half Term
We are really looking forward to launching our College competition in Autumn 2 and will keep you all updated on the winning logos and slogans!
Thank You!
Thank you for the ongoing support of your child, it has been brilliant to meet and speak with so many of you as we transition the students into Year 8 and are able to recommence face-to-face meetings. Do continue to communicate with us as we are here to support all Year 8 children. I hope that the Year 8 students have a restful half-term, and we look forward to seeing them on their return in November.
Miss P Murphy
Head of Year 8