Ski Trip 2024 Information

ParentPay will go live at 7am tomorrow, Friday 17 March for sign up to the ski trip 2024
Further to the previous communication, we are launching tomorrow (Friday, 17th March) the Ski Trip 2024 – on the back of the very successful and over-subscribed 2023 trip.
This is in the first week of Easter holidays, 2024 – from Friday 22nd March to Saturday 30th.
The total cost of the trip is £1175 – expensive out of context but very good value for money for a full-board trip.
We can only offer limited spaces (capped at 42) and, while probably unlikely, we hope everyone who wants a space secures one.
There will be a specific process for the allocation of places on this potentially very popular trip:
- From Friday, March 17th, ParentPay will be open for all parents of students in Y7-12 to pay a deposit of £250 and effectively apply for a place
- ParentPay will remain open until Wednesday 22nd March
- If there are 42 or fewer students who have been signed up by that Wednesday, all those who have signed up will be allocated the places they have applied for and all 42 spaces will be allocated on a first come-first served basis
- If more than 42 students have applied by the Wednesday, priority will be given to students who did NOT go on the 2023 Trip
- If more than 42 students who did NOT go on the 2023 Trip have applied by the Wednesday, the 42 places allocated will be based on which of them signed up first – ParentPay records the signing-up time
- Any spaces allocated to those who went on the 2023 trip will be done so on the basis of first come-first served as recorded in ParentPay
If there are still places remaining, we will re-open the ParentPay item at some point after Wednesday and any remaining places will be available first-come, first-served.
This is to try to ensure that there has been a reasonable opportunity for students who did not access the 2023 trip to be able to go on the 2024 trip.
Whether or not a space on the trip has been secured will be confirmed via email contact.
Any monies paid on ParentPay by parents who apply but do not ultimately secure a place for their child will of course be refunded.
Please bear all this in mind when applying for a place as we want to manage expectations as best we can and not disappoint students – i.e. please await a confirmation email before telling your child they have a place.
We are hopeful parents understand the reasoning for this.
Steve Taylor