NEU Strike Wednesday 5 July and Friday 7 July -read our plans for all Year Groups here.

Our operating plan for the next two days of Industrial Action to be held on Wednesday 5 July and Friday 7 July is detailed below.
For both days the school will be closed to students in Years 7-10, with the exception of those below, remote learning will be provided through our online platform Go4Schools.
Our in-school provision for vulnerable learners will continue - you will have received an individual invite should this pertain to your child.
Our Year 6 Transition event will go ahead and a small group of our Year 7 Transition leaders have been invited into school on Wednesday 5 July to support this event. Dance, Drama and Music students who are involved in the Transition Day performance are required to be on site at 10.45am.
Students in Year 10 will continue to sit scheduled progression exams in school. Students with an examination on either Wednesday or Friday should attend school as normal in full uniform. For morning exams students will arrive no later than 8:45am and make their way to the canteen, for afternoon exams students will enter from main reception. Year 10 students travelling by bike should use the bike shed located at the front school.
The school will remain open for all Year 12 students, progression examinations and timetabled lessons will continue as normal.
A copy of Mr Lowdell's letter to all parents and carers sent on Friday 23 June containing the details of our operating plans is below