NEU Strike Wednesday 15 March & Thursday 16 March Read our plans for all Year Groups here.

Please see below the outlined operating plan for the next two days of potential Industrial Action to be held next week on Wednesday 15 and Thursday 16 March.
You will note some changes from the previous days of Industrial Action.
Year 11 students have the opportunity to revise from home as most Year 11 subjects have now moved to revision ahead of the upcoming exam season. This will give all students an opportunity to test their revision timetable and implement the strategies they have been working on independently.
For students in Years 7 and 8, when in school, please arrive in your school PE kit as sections of your day will involve practical activities. Should the weather continue to be as changeable as last week, please come prepared with a coat. On arrival students go to the main Theatre for registration and Assembly.
Year 9 students are to wear full uniform when in school on Wednesday and will have normal timetabled lessons.
Students in Year 10 who have PSA or NEA to complete as part of their course will be required to attend school to complete set tasks as set out in the table above. Students should arrive in school uniform go to the allocated room on arrival.
Year 12 & Year 13 Students will be in school, as before, with normal timetabled lessons or independent study in school.
Our in-school provision for vulnerable learners will continue - you will have had an individual invite should this pertain to your child.
A copy of Mr Lowdell's letter to all parents and carers sent on Friday 10 March detailing our operating plans is below