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23 Students to have their poetry published

In February our Year 7 & 8 students were given the opportunity to enter The Power of Poetry competition, run by Young Writers, an organisation that promotes creative writing and poetry for and by the next generation of writers.

Students worked tirelessly to produce a plethora of poems on a range of topics that are important to them, ranging from climate change to the current crisis in Ukraine, expressing their ever-important voices and opinions on prominent issues within our society.

We are really proud to announce that, for the first time at North Leamington School, Young Writers have selected 23 of our pupils to be featured in a poetry anthology, aptly named ‘Hear My Voice,’ which is due to be published and available to purchase this April!

Successful students have recently been celebrated within their class groups and year group assemblies, provided with ‘talent for writing’ certificates provided by Young Writers, alongside a bookmark to promote the poetry anthology.

This is such a fantastic achievement and experience, for our young people at NLS as well show the value of reading and writing for pleasure, develop cultural capital and further ignite passion and growth in confidence within English at school.

Miss Fitzgerald, who encouraged the students to submit their entries, said how proud she is of every single student that has taken part in the competition, whether published or not, as it demonstrates such an admirable commitment, perseverance and creativity that deserves to be widely commemorated. I would like to take the opportunity to thank the students, staff and parents who have made the Young Writers competition such a positive and rewarding experience for all involved this year. We can’t wait to see student’s work published and in print and have a copy in our library.

Well done to all involved.